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Everything posted by DomVR6

  1. DomVR6


    I think I might have found the answer to my own question here - I was following an Alfa Romeo Brera the other evening and it looked as slick and sexy as a Corrado. I haven't read the motoring press recently so have seen no reviews of this motor, any views?
  2. I have been driving Corrados for nearly 8 years now and my current VR6 has done me proud for more than 6 years however it is not getting any younger and I am resigned to replacing it. The big question is with what? I love the fact that Corrados are relatively rare and that fellow owners invariably acknowledge me when out on the road. I love the engine, the ride & handling and the look of the Corrado - the sad fact is that there is nothing more modern to match it unless of course the Forum knows better. So far I have considered either an Audi TT, a Golf or the BMW M Coupe and of the 3 I think the Beemer is probably the best drivers car however I squirm at the thought of being a BMW owner as to most people that means the 3 series. Any suggestions?
  3. DomVR6

    Coolant Loss

    My beloved VR6 has recently been losing coolant. I topped up and ran for @ 100 miles before the warning light came on again, a further top up was checked overnight and there was no loss. I am not mechanically minded so please excuse any bloopers in the following. My local garage have run a pressure test - no loss when engine not running but a leak in the radiator occured when the engine was running. The mechanic reckons that one of the mounting brackets has punctured the radiator, he also mentioned that the radiator is not a single piece unit - he also thinks there might be a leak on the reservoir itself. Do Forum members have any similar experiences and suggestions as to how best to resolve the problem? I am keen to source good quality replacement parts.
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