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Everything posted by mk1charger

  1. We have been telling him this from the start Jat - We have a few brewing at the moment also.. Did you also see the big valve head pics mate ? Daz, I've been meaning to email you but been so busy at moment. Not seen the the pics mate. If I don't speak to you before I shall be at Inters so we have a chat there, I'll be at the sprint! LOL :lol: Jat
  2. If you are going for a rebuild I would lose the G60 rods, they are too short and tend to rotate the shells on your big end. Using 144mm rods out of a KR or 9A allow the engine to rev far more cleanly and is a better rod ratio. These rods are the same as fitted to a TT and S3 engines so there is no problems with strength. :)
  3. I only ran a 70mm pulley on the 274bhp setup and thats the size we have always used, no point going to small since the "bottleneck" top end can't flow any more. I see your point with power, a G60 will never produce the power a turbo could but then it depends on what type of power delivery you want and also if you perfer G60 in the frst place. What I meant with a OEM look is that it would be bolt on and thats it. No more mods to make or buy, a turbo 16v would never look OEM since VW never made one.
  4. Interesting tread this, Me and my brother have built a number of G60 engines in the past and we have found if using a VW 8V head then the item from a 1.8 Mk1 gti has produced the best results when fitted with larger exhaust valves, bigger cam and also some serious porting. We have been using "Eurospec" items in the past 7 years and as mentioned earlier have produced more than 270bhp with these fitted. 300 is possible but you lose driveability and also there are the limitatin with the standard G60 management although this can be overcome to a point by omitting certain sensors from the program itself. I for one can't wait to see what Darrens head produces with a good cam and suitable valves, should get some monster power, and like Darren said it'll all look OEM which helps so much by not having to manufacture special brackets and the like. I've currently built by last G60 motor, this one being a 16v version so I'll have to how it turns out. Good work guys, nice to see the "G" stronger than ever. Jat
  5. Hi mate, You could skim the head but the thing with that is although it would increase the compression a little, your head may become scrap when it comes time to have a top end rebuild since you have removed the material that allows you reface the head, especially true if for some reason you blow a head gasket and it needs doing. If you wanted to do this its best to remove material on both the block and the head. But if you are going to rebuild it then you might as well start from scrach and also get rid of the G60 rod since they do tend to rotate the shells at high RPM since they are so short 139mm. The angle they are on the down stoke will do this. Best to use the 144mm rods and change the pistons also for ones to the compression you want to use. I building a new engine with even more power this time but doingit on a budget if theres such a thing! You are right about the head using the boost more efficently this will lower the boost reading on a boost gauge, and it will run lean unless the fuel pressure is adjested and could ideally do with a remap. Jat
  6. Yes mate that was mine. A 268 would be fine and would produce smooth power from tick over. some of the bigger cams stall air flow sometimes off idle and it makes them a little hard to drive smooth in traffic. I have never used a Mexican head to be honest, should be fine but I have no experience with them. Be sure to get the engine set up after the mods, they really do turn the G60 from a lazy engine into one that you want to rev. Good luck. Jat
  7. Alright mate, You can run a Pack C non G60 head without any problems, I have built a number of these engines using these with my brother and we have never had a problem. If you want the best VW sourced head for this engine, it is the late 1.8 gti solid lifter head from a MK1, solid lifer heads give more valve lift and also the tappets don't pump at high RPMs. Standard G60 valves are 40 inlet and 33 exhaust, on the big valve conversions you don't really want a larger inlet valve since you will lose torque and also have a drop in air speed, the exhaust side is bigger to allow the engine to breath because the charger will force air in but unless you can get rid of the exhaust gases efficently you back everything up including power. You can get 36mm exhaust valves but they ain't cheap to say the least, I ran these on my last engine. As for cams I won't use anything myself other than Schrick, and you don't want more than 280 deg since after that you get valve over lap and will lose boost unless you run alot more compression. I ran a 276 deg which is very good although very lumpy! A 260 or 268 would be a better compromise. I hope the above helps. Jat
  8. I agree totally with BigTartanTimmeh there is no excuse or reason for the police to do 160, they have heilcopters for when a chase gets into stupid speeds and also when the general public is at risk. How would a member of the public be able to judge the a car coming behind them at that speed, you won't until it was too late, try justifying that when you have to tell their family members. They can't say anything to justify his actions, you have to remember the police are only human and this person has had the urge to push the car to see what it can do plain and simple training or not. Have you seen the raise of police involved motor accidents over the last years, it has gone up over a third! :shock: Anyway my rant over.............
  9. Its not a case of boycotting the show, its the organisers job to put on a show in the right location, attract the showcars and charge a fair price to the punters. They failed on all counts and need to try harder and listen to what their customers want same as any organisation. The number of shows this year has nearly doubled, so the scene is stronger than ever and autometrix have to compete for custom, simple. Very true, I think that the location that has been choosen by Autometrix is purely to encourge the European visiters but in a way it has back fired to a point since getting to the site for most in this country is via a cross country route unlike TRL. I think for too long Autometrix has relayed on Inters being the premier show of the year, and for that reason have got away with charging the amounts they do and not looking at what other shows have to offer. Yes the scene is stronger than ever but it would be a shame to lose this show in the VW calendar after all to most it was the show in it`s past that give people so much inspiration to perfect or improve there own cars. They do need to listen to the public but it needs to be done in a manner in which they will realise what is required, i.e. to email them or write to either Volkswagen or Audi Driver Mags. Airing views on these forums are fallling on deaf ears, making a point to the organisers is the only way things can change for the better. I have done so in the past and will do again. I think they realise at the performance of the show over the last few years that something needs to be done. Traders that have done such a roaring trade in the past are questioning setting up due to the lack of sales these days. As per the moaning I wasn't having a dig at anyone in particular, its just the vibe that has been hovering over this show for the last few years and the word "boycotting" has been used in the past. At the end of the day I enjoyed the show and its not everyday you have a good laugh with them ever so happy and extremely tall Dutch guys!!! :)
  10. I agree totally, getting abit fed up with people moaning all the time. If people decide to boycotte this show and others we will not have any left in this country and that would be a shame. I remember back in the day when we use to go to the dutch treffen in Baarlo every year, what a show that was. But as soon as this moved location a number of times the numbers dropped until they could not justify organising it. I have been to every International since 1991 and will contiune to, its as good as you make it, and no one can control the weather so make the best of it. One thing never changes and that is the genuine enthusiasts that I meet at this show and others and thats what is all about. Speaking to like minded individuals with a common interest. I realise some of you guys may not agree with my view, but hey thats my view.... :? By that way it was good to see and speak to so many new faces on the scence, it all helps to make the weekend enjoyable for me what ever the weather brought! :)
  11. Well thats it, they ain't cheap you also have to think of the duty to pay on that and also these heads are supplied in a semi finished rough cast state. So you have to pay someone to flow them and generally clean up all the ports. They are a pig to shim up to since they are only supplied in solid lifter format and due to their design. But in the end you do get what you pay for the ultimate 8v head. :wink:
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