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Posts posted by ww-promo

  1. I happen to have one lieing around at home in good nick that I was going to use to replace my wrecked one aswell.


    But as I'm super charging I will probably be using a catch tank.

    I'm sure if you twist my arm and bitter me up with a little bit of cash I could send you it :).




    Hi Sharpy


    Cool, how much do you want for it? (I'll pass on the butter, thanks )

  2. Good call! Will see if I can get one! Cheers for the help!


    ---------- Post added at 11:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:38 PM ----------


    It's a PCV or 'valve-crankvent' if you go to Ford. Part number from Ford is 7364573 and about £60 cheaper from them too


    Have fun



    Good call! Will see if I can get one! Cheers for the help!


    (its been a while since i've been on here) :-)

  3. UPDATE! Pictures added!


    ---------- Post added at 9:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 8:33 PM ----------


    Goozie: I agreed to give red arrow 1st refusal, who has agreed to buy. So it is currently sold (pending payment) to Red Arrow. Sorry Goozie. If it falls through I will give you 2nd dibs.



  4. For sale: BMC CDA Carbon Air Intake off my VR6.


    Pictures to follow. (still on my VR which has been SORN for the past 6 months).


    £100 including delivery to UK mainland.




    Edit.....pics below: In pretty good looking condition after a quick clean. Not immaculate, but does look nice!


























  5. Hi,


    I have searched the forum and have not found this problem, yet. Can anyone help me as its starting to ice over in the mornings!!


    My heater will work as it should then may slow down and speed up randomly with out me changing the setting. Then it may stop working altogether!

    Continuing to drive for 5-10 mins it may just come on again.


    Sometimes when I start the VR it wound not work at all, but may kick in in say 10mins or so into the drive.


    When the heater is working all the settings do work!


    Has anyone had this same issue or know how I can fix this problem?!



  6. Garage have said the alternator is fine but do you have or can you borrow a volt meter to test your self? I doubt very much that you would have managed to get through three batteries.


    This site shows you how to perform a quick test of an alternator http://www.carbasics.co.uk/How_to_test_ ... rnator.htm


    Hi, Good link, cheers. I will see if I can find one or buy one to test. I was going to stick the battery back in, in the morning and hope she will keep her going to reach the garage again.


    Its like something is draining the battery even when she is parked up.?? :scratch:

  7. Ok, bit long winded I know but Any help on this would be a great help.


    I am on my 3rd battery in only 2 wks!


    1st battery: 

    fine getting me to work in morning. Then would not start after work.

    Bumped her and just about manage to get her to garage for new battery.

    Everything electric was working at half speed or half brightness.


    Second battery:

    This was brand new Bosch s3! Put in on Friday night last wk.

    VR started as normal and I got home ok. 45min drive.

    I only drove the VR once over wknd for 20mins. Then drove to work Monday as normal.

    She did seem to struggle only slightly on start up.


    After work she was completely flat, the fob would not open her to.

    I charged the battery over night and morning and she started fine at midday.  so drove to the garage and left her there. 


    The garage have done tests and say the alternator is working fine and said it was a duff battery.

    So a new one has been put in and tested by garage



    They said all was fine as I collected tonight. On the drive back home all lights internal & external were half as bright & the windows & wipers were very slow. 


    I had to jump start her at the petrol garage with the help of some kind fellas! & 2 mins later she lost all power! This was just around the corner from my house. I then turned off the fog lights & power came back which just got me the extra 100m home where she literally stalled outside my house.


    I've taken the battery out and have it on charge.


    Sorry for the long winded msg but I'm at my wits end with this and have no idea what's up.


    Has anyone experienced this before?


    Any help would be much appreciated.


  8. Are you not in the AA or RAC? Should be something relatively simple to fix. Is the wheel sitting at more of an angle then usual? Was the other wheel still in the same position? Have the rear wheel bearings been looked at recently?


    No im not in the AA or RAC.....after driving Corrados for 6+ yrs I've only ever needed a tow once by my dad as my Alt went. So thought it wasnt worth it!


    I dont know to be honest. Not sure if the bearings have been done. No paper work for it. The wheels have not been humming.


    It looked pretty normal, but I did give it a good shake and there was plenty of play on the rear. Angle wise; it seemed normal. but was dark and had no touch.

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