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About Wilko

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  1. Corrado looks bad ass, wouldnt want to pull up next to you at the lights, whats the performance like?
  2. Thanks again mate, 1000 is a bit more in my price range, already have sports exhaust and air filter which does help but would love a few more horses under there, might have to look into that option.
  3. Thanks Jim, a little out of my price range i think. Any other tips or ideas for squeezing a little more performance out of my VR6?
  4. Sounds interesting, could well be up for one, i have a normal kn on my vr6 at the moment, will this new filter put that to shame and give me any noticable performance?
  5. Thanks for clearing that one up guys, must have mis read the VW Produced part, sounds like fun though, where can i get my hands on such a kit? is it dear? and is it hard to fit?
  6. Excuse my ignorance as a newcomer to this forum but i have read in the back of a certain car mag that VW made a limited edition corrado which was a supercharged VR6. Anybody know if this is true or was i daydreaming, even better has anybody got or ever seen one, would like to hear about performance, cheers.
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