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About tinsman

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  • Location
    USA, PA
  1. tinsman

    corrado badge

    i live in the states but when i just went to the dealer a couple of weeks ago and they got me the badge (unpainted) withen 2 days. hope that helps
  2. i have the same shocks you do and i thought they were a little bouncy. i made the as tight as possible and it was way better. seriously go as tight as they go.
  3. thanks grim and dazzy. dazzy by the way... when i show people what i want my car to look like.. i show them yours. i love your car.
  4. tinsman

    Me Storm...

    thats a clean storm
  5. thats sweet. i wish i had a private mechanic.
  6. im sure somone can easily tell me how to do this. sorry if this is a dumb question.
  7. someone should be sitting at home and making those lights... i want them really bad but i dont want to make them myself. id pay a good amount for those.
  8. def the red/clear smoked.
  9. well i got it hooked up. it was pretty easy. impressed all my friends to :D . haha. but yea if my ignition ever breaks again i wont need to replace it.
  10. ive seen the okichan one but that was a little morecomplicated than id like to do.. im running to radio shack to get the momentary push button starter, soder, wiretaps, wire, and wireconnectors. i think i have a good idea off how to set this up... but if anyone could tell me what wires i need to connect to. the push button only has 2 wires so that wont be that hard. any help would be great thanks.
  11. I have a turn2 cold air intake. i agree with leavon, it sounds so good i wouldnt never take it off. but that was the first mod i did and i felt alot of throttle response.
  12. never mind... i figured it out and its in... what i was doing wrong is that i didnt really realise that when u take the stock mount it it does actually sink a little bit. so i had to make up my own little axel thing to lift the engine up. just in case anyone has that kind of problem... and the reason it sank... is because i didnt use a jack i just drove it up on 2 ramps. thanks anyway- tj
  13. i have the lower front turn2 motor mounts that im trying to get in the car right now and i car across a problem. with the washer in there after i put the second mount on it, the cap thing doesnt fit very will. the bolts barlel fit through the holes and it would be hard to get a nut on there. is this normal??? any sugestions? had anyone had this problem??
  14. tinsman

    air fuel ratio

    sorry if this sounds stupid.. but how do i ground the one wire? im not sure i understand?
  15. tinsman

    air fuel ratio

    hey, im not sure if this is the right place for this post but ill give it a shot. ive had a air fuel ratio gauge by autometer for quite sometime and i still dont have the thing hooked up mainly becuase i done know how to do it. ive heard it was pretty hard to do. if someone could give me directions that would be awesome. thanks - tj
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