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Everything posted by lamwagon

  1. i fort that would be the case, u were rite we do work well as a team lol nice one mate.
  2. just bout to change my alternator ive got the old one off just wondering if there is a easy way of putting it bak on, my tensoner shock just wont compress so i cant get it back on the bolt, if that makes any sence. :lol: any ideas?
  3. anyone no where i can get replacement blubs for the cig lighter and heater pannel, or the part nums if vw do them. cheers :?
  4. nice one mate its alrite for sum :lol:, so any ideas where i could get mine dun cheap?
  5. need to get sum wheels picked up from west yorkshire just wondering how much i should expect to pay and whos best to use. cheers
  6. ok now i am just jealous lol i cant wait to start spending the dollar on mine, just needs alot of tlc at the mo.
  7. defo bill i need sum good help and advice.
  8. wot so u just take the old 1 in and they swap it for a new 1 plus the dosh?
  9. g60 engine bay pics lets see them. just want a few ideas.
  10. supercharged, wheres that, ive just been quoted 70quid to hav the bearing changed
  11. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/G60-golf-corrado- ... dZViewItem cheers
  12. my g60 was badly idleing so i changed the isv, put it all on pluged it in went to start and nothing car would only start with my foot on the gas. but with this isv on it sounded much smoother but just kept cutting out any ideas please. is there something u have to do reset the ecu etc?
  13. mines bog standard and still whistles. although there is a hole in my boost return pipe thats been elecy taped up. thats prop why it doesnt do it all the time.
  14. lamwagon


    ok cheers guys
  15. lamwagon


    na the blower it self is fine mate very pleased with it as i tried it in my mates car. where bouts is the thermal fuse. cheers adam
  16. lamwagon


    any 1, i no its weird working on 0, just realy stuck now.
  17. lamwagon


    my new blower came to day thanks to (vr6strom nice one mate) pluged it all in fine went to turn it on and its only blowing on 0 and thats it, any ideas wot it could be now? cheers
  18. yeah i cant recall hearing it kick in, sometimes i can be driving for quite a while and my temp wont even go up to 70 so i guess ive got a prob.
  19. sorry to butt in, when i running my temp sits at bout 70, when i am stuck in traffic it goes up to bout 90 is this right also ive never heard the fan kick in, btw ive only had it on the road for two weeks.
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