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Everything posted by missfairygodmother

  1. Boo hiss to even thinking about selling her!!! (let me know how much lungs/kidneys are going for at the moment- could do with a few more pennies) Amy x
  2. Hooray!!!!! You're a star my lovely, see you later!! x x x
  3. Well, it's a PGCE so the funding's pretty shocking to be fair!!
  4. Ta Phil, much appreciated for the indicator. Unable to skip it-being paid to learn!
  5. Fraid not- I'm a post-grad and this Wednesday is college day!
  6. Pics of car will arrive as soon as she's looking sparkly. Pics of me will arrive.....never!! hehehe
  7. Hey no worries 'bout the speaker shelf- sounds like you're in more need of it than I am! Sorry to hear about the nastyness of this morning :|
  8. Car was named Shirley on the drive home yesterday (!)
  9. Pics of the car will appear in due course....!
  10. Thought it was about time I said hello properly! Only bought my 'rado yesterday but am v excited already and big bro' (gradeafailure) has already begun the task of getting her up to scratch! Was good to meet people yesterday, apologies for running inside- but it was freeeeeeeeeeezing (plus my tummy was grumbling!!) Anyway enough waffle from me, seasons greetings all round x x x
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