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Everything posted by Matronic

  1. Matronic

    ICE help

    I can recommend 'Phoenix Gold' for the amp. and 'Diamond Audio' for the subwoofers. I just bought a second hand PG amp off ebay for £30 (£170ish when new!). Its only a 2 x 180 watt amp but i feel thats more than enough for my 6 x 9's. My sub was £180 new when I bought it and the sound is just sweet (running off an identical amp but bridged).
  2. I think he is staring in prison break at the mo. on channel 5
  3. I'm on nightshift this week and instead of sleeping today I decided to install my amp and sub. Added to this is the second pheonix gold amp which I bought off ebay. Many hours spent pulling apart interior (which, by the way, doesn't seem to have been apart before!) and cutting myself. Oh the joy! :lol:
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