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Everything posted by rarak69

  1. hit the valves(piston side) with a hammer, it should just break off. that how i did a head not too long ago worked great for me.
  2. yea well if you are using the VF mounts than i would say you will be unable to cut them down due to the design of the mounts. if you had poly inserts you would be golden.
  3. i would cut the mounts down a bit to drop the engine a few mm instead of cutting the bonnet. cleaner way of doing things in my opinion
  4. i would say they def. are not sealed, and i do not think that the beam pattern would be killed by using standard lenses or clear lenses. i HATE the clear lenses, and i would think the standard would be better on these lights.
  5. looking for a picutre of the inpro's w/ standard lenses fitted. i do not like the inpro setup, but with standard lenses and a painted inside i think it would look great. im pretty sure i saw a picture of this. wondering if anyone has seen this as well.
  6. yea man you are pretty strapped for space as it is. looking good though. ill keep my eye out for one of these, hoping to come accross someone who doesnt realize is a twinscrew and thinks its eaton.
  7. nice you have some progress, still looking for one of those chargers, never find them on car-part or ebay...any leads?
  8. you have to get a steel strap to mount it, put the box in you will see. just gotta bend it like a half of a box, and then that will hold it up and in. just get in there, pretty easy to fit.
  9. oh surely, i would use all o2j if you have it!, the o2j shift mechanism is smoother, and obviously much newer..
  10. o2a shift tower, part that comes out of the transaxle, will drop right into the o2j.
  11. phatvr6 is correct everything needs swapped, but like i said, if you are dead set on using the box and cables, you would only need the side to side, and front to back parts from the 02j shift tower(on tranny) you then remove the reverse switch(black thing on top) and cut it down flush, then you simply just put on the o2j parts, then everythign will bolt right up. but o2j shift tower is a lot easier on yea if your really not into fabbing things up or whatnot.
  12. you need to swap the 02j shift tower that slides down into the tranny.......or you can chop the top of the 02a one and put the 02j shift levers on so the cables can attach, you can swap the 02a cable mount on im pretty sure, dont remember having to do this.
  13. ive got the seals on my daily driver corrado, and my trusty parts car when the daily breaks down! they are definately noticable, i never realized the euro car's didnt have these.
  14. you are correct flusted, you would need to remove the glass for sure. i lucked out as i was replacing my hatch and shaved it before i put new glass in :)
  15. oh no, you dont really need that. just get some engine block cleaner product. it will clean everything up nice(maybe more than one can) then just start the car and sit under it and trace where its coming from. also give us a better idea of where its coming from.
  16. rarak69


    ok, the shop manual states 2.1 litres. What i do is fill the gearbox until fluid level is at the fill plug, but not coming out. just get two bottles (quarts) or redline or whatever product you are going to be using, which is all you will need. ive changed fluid in a handful of vw trannys and this is what ive done everytime. never a problem. i use mobil 1 75w90 gl-5 with good results(got rid of 2nd gear grind.
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