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Everything posted by DubWhiZZ

  1. replied bally, thanks. would still like to know if there is an easy way to spot the difference between the 2.8 and the 2.9? Matt
  2. thanks for the posts... narrowed it down lots today. theres no spark. there was also no switched live on the red w/ blue wire that feeds 12v to the ecu. frigged this with a wire from constant live. still no spark. unplugged the CPS. could hear the injectors pulsing when we waved a spanner in front of the CPS. but no spark. so it appears to us to be the spark control side of the ecu. however, found a sloppy hall sender connector on the dizzy, so looking for a dizzy too. in total, I'd like to find the following parts to get this car drivable. ecu 021 906 258 A dizzy 021 905 205 af engine loom pas pump. I'd also really appreciate someone telling me how i can work out of this is a 2.9 block in this car, as it is bound to make a difference. thanks, Matt
  3. If its the one on ebay then yes thats sounds like the one matt brought.. apart from the fact it might be a 2.9... bally you got pm... Matt
  4. hmmm, sorry to disappoint but this isnt a simple fix! oh well... we managed to narrw it down to a lack of power to the ecu. the 12v line that is supplied by 109 relay isnt sending 12v. spliced a 12v in and still no spark. so were lookin at either a ecu or possibly a dizzy as the dizzy looksa bitfubar. there'll be a thread looking for both the above soon. ecu is a 021 906 258 A. dizzy is 021 905 205 af which might have been superseeded with a 237 x code at the end Matt
  5. VR's are seriously complicated. I picked up my VR6 from milton keynes today. at first it needed a jump start as the battery was flat. then it needed some fuel, as it was struggling to run. putting some fuel in it made it sing, it was obviously running on fumes at first. so i took it for a spin to the petrol station and put some unleaded in. 95 ron. i blew the tyres up, well 3 of them. at this point the car has stopped and started 3 times and the battery is well charged. i set off to voodoo. on the way i gassed the car a few times. i can now tell why people rave about VR's, theyre strong engines. they sound mint too ;) i pulled up at voodoo and turned it off and thats pretty much the last time it ran ok. after chatting to the guys for 10 minutes i went to start it so elie could have a listen to it and the car just wouldnt start. it turned over loads but wouldnt fire. it tried a couple of times to kick but nothing. we pushed it and it bump started fine, kicked and ran and revved up fine. ran it for a while and it was ok. however when we stopped it and tried to start it again there was nothing. so in summary, we've got a VR with no spark. we've swapped the coilpack for one from another VR which we think should work but nothing. we've checked the leads, and checked the plugs, no spark. connected the king lead to a plug and no spark we've checked the Crank position Sensor. swapped it for another. cleaned the block so it earths really well. so from searching and knowledge we're really down to the following... 1/ ecu problem. we think the ECU is fine cos the MAF gets voltage at pin 5. 2/ RElays. think the 109 ECU relay is ok because it clicks when you prime the ignition. 3/ ignition switch? read a few things about this, can't see how it could be this. someone explain what to look at to me? imo its a spark problem, so we need to trace the spark from source (battery) all the way thgorugh its path to the plugs. we're not 100% sure how to prive the coilpack is doing its job without an oscilloscope so if anyone has any suggestions? Matt
  6. the girls who had to format the spec sheets were really pissed cos furki's spec sheet was too long and they didnt know what any of the bits they cut out meant or how important they were... @Phat : you're only pissed cos a G60 won ;) @Andy: if he were a bit more northern I'd talk him into bringing it to Squires so you could have a proper look around it. but hes not. so you'll have to do with the photos. well done furki. Matt
  7. dubfest is unlikely to happen this year. maybe next year there will be a northern show with a sprint and show n shine and more traders thatn you can afford to browse round, a show truely good enough to rival inters' legacy... until then vw festival is a definite, so get on board and help the northern show scene. anything up north has to be a good thing right? Matt
  8. and there was me thinking the corrado forum was a place for reasoned debate ;) just drive them... you'll know which ones for you then. Matt
  9. I bet health and safety love looking round your gaff daz!!! not even got gloves on, you hard man!!! Matt
  10. be right, we actually let discussions happen on dubforce unlike in here. you cant say anything contraversial or you get slapped down. i wonder why andi doesn't call it a compliment forum? Matt
  11. ...and mine was running a tooth out on the cam at the RR session, Santa Pod and Curborough... :oops: 'kin weekend warriors... ;) henny, stop flagilating and get on msn more, got some q's for ya... Matt
  12. so some vr's becomes one does it? aww thats a beautiful post. look at the two highest pulling cars and note they are both G60's. 0wn3d.... someone split my discussin with Joe off so as not to pollute what is otherwise a corking thread. Matt
  13. totally relevant to the fact that you're telling me that standard vr's make 207 bhp but backing it up with zero evidence. its like a thread on the vortex in here, only theres more VR owners... show me dyno's and i'll be happy for you. in your slow and heavy vr ;) Matt
  14. so VW named them at 190 or whatever when they were really putting 207 out? yeah right... Matt (owner of a real 200bhp from the factory vw...)
  15. cos that makes sense :s if its not the engine that makes it quick it must be? ... the driver, yeah, cos hes lightweight?! or the wheels? voted for the wrong car, could you at least put the chuffing cars in the same order as the poll options... Matt
  16. WTF? Best car they've featured this year IMO (cos I'm MK2 thru and thru and every time i see this car i see something new) was Simon Sweetlands revamped 20v. and he screwed it up the strip all afternoon at festival beating a scooby amongst others. look at the group thrashes, the number of rolling roads and shoot outs theyve covered. if the scene is more about shows than quarters or track days don't shoot the messenger. amen. i dont like my surname but its better than the one they gave me...:twisted: Matt
  17. thats garbage, PVW get all the best cars. far better technical? they're re-hashing the shit they printed five years ago. and god knows what the riced up mongrels comment is about... why are forums always used to vent peoples frustration with not even a cock of the hat to the evidence / truth ... at the end of the day, traction was shit. i ran the 15's cos the porsche centre caps weren't finished yet. and i thought 15's might have been better. i've run better times at york in the dry. and my car feels loads better since daz breathed on the charger (3 days before the thrash). kudos to the rest of the DF (and CF) boys for turning up. we had a go, we had a laugh, we broke 4 cars, we drive home. all in the pouring rain. andas for ian recording a 13.4? not til he quits the pies :twisted: Matt
  18. she was quite horny for a ginger lass!!! What am I on about, Henny, remember that ginger lass I went out with when we were at uni?!?!? goddamn, she did the best rodeo sex I've ever had ;) Matt
  19. might as well lock this now cos we're both arguing the same point ;) next week, sunstrips... ;) Matt
  20. is this not a discussion forum? by all means split it but dont complain just cos we go on a bit. its what discussion forums are all about... Matt
  21. you said chav not kak. make your mind up. car hifi is always gonna be a compromise. im pretty sure that 6x9's ina rear shelf will create a similar sound to, erm a mid and tweet installed in a rear shelf or those 6x4 speakers in the rear shelf supports... sweeping generalisation. depends what brand you buy. > RMS figures are the ones to watch but all manufacturers quote peak figures for both their 6x9's or mids n tweets. your opinion and nothing to do with chav when they're stealthed away surely? not round here otherwise id have more of em, maybe i should pick some up to put in my dash... dont you put your subs in a box? that doesn't make them a bad thing? maybe chavs have realised they're a great compromise between quality and cost. they produce a decent enough sound for not much money. at the end of the day you can come out with as many general statements as you want but you cant argue that for the guy who wants some rear fill without the hassle of installing components that 6x9s stealthed into a shelf are the choice. if you want to argue about whether or not they can produce a decent enough sound then maybe you should listen to a few sets... Matt
  22. you havent stated a case? in fact you didn't state a case for calling 6x9's chav. what is your balanced arguement for that statement?... Matt
  23. Actually Matt, 6x9s are pretty much the biggest, nastiest cheapest, compromise of a speaker design out there... hifi in a car is a compromise in itself. it just so happens that you can get a very good sound out of 6x9's for not much money. tell me why that instantly makes me a chav. and remember what i listen to my boss tunage thru when you're trying to teach me about speakers and compromises mate ;) oh yeah, you introduced me to the cone shaped wonders when you bought those jbl 6x4's that time too Matt (im off shopping tomorrow for some neons, burburry and a sunstrip... well, i am actually going to get 1 of those 3. first one to pm me which gets a dubforce sticker!)
  24. do bless us with your excellent knowledge on how to uprate the sounds in most if not all cars without the appearance of being a chav by using 6x9's. and then tell me which hifi installer you work for so i can steer well clear. Matt
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