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Everything posted by robbiel

  1. no its fresh fuel that I put in. could the plugs maybe be caked in something as the engine turns over fine but just won't fire??
  2. Hi, Haven't been on here for e a while but I'm currently in the process of stripping a VR6 in order to track it. On saturday i decided to give it the once over and start her up. Was a good few months since it was last started so I charged a battery and got to work. Car turns over fine but doesn't seem to fire. I've put extra fuel in thinking that may be the prob and tried some carb and choke cleaner but its still not working. Any ideas?? Thanks Rob
  3. haha don't worry, now we have it up and running we definately aren't going to break it. We're not planning to go mad on the track days although a few laps round the nurburgring wouldnt go amiss............ :lol:
  4. Just a quicky really, apart from supercharging what are the best and/or most common tuning options for the VR6. We are currently having the suspension looked at so handling should be improved. Do people commonly go down the line of big bore throttle bodies, chipping and the usual de-cats and upgraded filters etc?? Cheers Rob
  5. Just thought I'd say hi, following on from this thread. I'm Dave's mate and with another mate Chris, the 3 of us have acquired a VR6 for free from some fool who thought it was knackered and wanted shut. We were originally just going to break it for parts but after a good 8 hours work we have it starting and running (sweetly) and our intention is to strip it for use as a track car. Any advice/suggestions or input would be appreciated. Anyway, less of the intro's here's a few pics of it at the minute........... And some of my other toys.........
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