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Everything posted by DaveG40

  1. One wipped me in my G40 - i was not happy but made me realise their potential!
  2. You mean Galileo, The ESA / EU's positioning system? Thats the one... I know no-one said it was IMpossible but the posibility of it being successful is very far out.... I for one would think human rights etc would fall under having something to monitor your drive...! Unless you accepted it and agreed it could be used...
  3. Looking at the posts that state this is impossible are wrong... The fact that GPRS which IIRC is US owned would be able to be used to track cars accordingly as proved with tests on BBC it does work and would make you think twice before you get into the car. However the US wont say " Hey Brits - Yeah Sure - We'll let you use our GPRS to track every car on your roads and hammer our system" - in fact ill doubt the systems are even able to acccomodate for the capacity of every UK motorer at the moment.... The british wont be able to enforce this until their own GPRS system which i forget the name of - so we dont have to rely on the yanks for everything - is currently being created. Even then - you have proof that the systems can be used in this way as i know a person who has a tracker which shows her insurance how many miles she does at what times of day - pay as you drive from norwich union - the ability to run this is here already... The problem i would say is the biggest one is the FACT that paying for tax at the moment is a reet pain in ze arse - paying more would mean i would want more in return. I.E: Removal of Tax from Feul Or EVERY single road completely relaid and retarmaced so i dont hit a bump / pot hole every 2 mins - i would want my money to be used to make my drive better.. At mo you see some roads redone - or pot holes filled by the local council but so far for my "X" amount of pounds i pay the Government for tax i have yet to see me benefit from in some way - when im using roads that were needed and there anyway....
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