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Everything posted by vwchick

  1. Cheers mate have sent you pm Roll on the 10th
  2. My lovely man has bought me a circuit driving experience instruction laps, then 4 laps in a subaru WRX Demo lap in a Lotus Elise, then i've got the Lotus for 5 laps :D not til Aug but can't wait. :multi: You've prob all done this B4 but it's my first time, Happy Days
  3. Thats Alan Carr on the end isnt it??? :lol: Your right, how did he get in :scratch:
  4. Cheers Dinkus Your my hero :thumb right:
  5. :2gunfire: Me no like you, your a meany :(
  6. I'm not that bad but have to say i'm not keen on them, Don't like them in films, don't to the girly screamin, just prefer not to look
  7. I no like McD he scares me Hasterjam ha you look pritty chilled out
  8. Cheers Nice to have a bit of eye candy on here when your not feeling well.
  9. I see them now Good pic's, very smart get up Oh far right is rather cute :wink:
  10. Me sat on a beach on the Isle of Wight New years James Bond 2-007 party, Me in the gold dress, i was Dr Holly Goodhead He He I'm an Angel, i made it from a bed sheet, oh and thats my dog
  11. Oh for god sake can no one have any fun any more This country has gone mad :mad:
  12. Oh Dear is all i can say to that My second car was fab, she was an Opal Kadett 1.3sr,(astra) White wiv black arches and rubber spoiler (as standard) I was a girl racer She went like a little rocket, for me at that age was great, could bare to sell her so she fell to pieces in my dads yard, then was binned :( Never seen one since Then went back to Mini's for many years, some standard, some kitted up
  13. Prob been done b4 but just thought i'd ask Mine was a 1973 Red Mini called Bessie
  14. I bought my Black 2.0 16v 2 months ago and have met up with a few at Bath/Bristol meets I have yet to see another black car, gray, loads of green, the odd Berry, blue Where are the black ones :?:
  15. :roll: Very sorry to bore you, as a new owner of 6 weeks I just wanted to ask. Thanks to Jim and Corozin for the info.
  16. http://forums.beyond.ca/showthread/t-111203.html Had a look about as had heard their planning a new Corrado Has any one else seem this or news if its true Not sure i like this design. Stick to the old and the best me thinks you can't improve on perfection surely.....
  17. Cool I'm back off to work but have started a new tread in Off topic "Place Names" Should be a laugh Have a good one Bye
  18. Yes We know all the jokes about living in Box from the well known song "Living in a Box" to "Nice Box" he he Think i might start a new topic in Off topic about funny place names Like Upper Dicker and Lower Dicker in Kent
  19. I was so lucky on Saturday, coming back from Bristol, passed Bath and on to the A4 back to Wiltshire, Went thought the 50mph spend cam and thought i'd show the other half what she can do, floored it up to the round about which if taken right it a really nice bit of cornering, changed down and shot round it to see Mr PC sat right on the corner, :shock: i nearly died but amazingly he was looking down at the time and he missed me completly, kept looking in the mirror but no sign. my heart was racing Lady luck was on my side that day. Hope you all had a fab easter in the sun shine Bye :wink:
  20. vwchick


    Welcome I've had mine 6 weeks and still smiling :)
  21. Welcome to the happiest bunch of car owners i know. Only had mine for 5 weeks and still have big smile on my face. Happy motering
  22. Thats so sad but makes you think twice about driving like a nutter. In a way more people need to be reminded of this sort of thing to slow them down :(
  23. Glad you had a good time. Iow is a very spesh place. I was a real sado yest and bought some touch up paint and covered all my chips, so if any some dare to hint my car i WILL know. I'm taking her to work today and will give her a polish, she sat outside my shop yest and i could look out the window at her, people driving down the A4 where impressed, he he Well off to walk the dogs See ya, would't want to be ya, :lol:
  24. Don't worry have seen error of my ways But the uniform don't still get me feeling fruity 8) Its a girl fing me thinks or not, on page1 someone was saying that they fink women PC's are hot so it's not just us chicks. I have the handcuffs but not the uniform :wink:
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