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jake bullit

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About jake bullit

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  1. Thanks,I`ll give them a call. I also saw a couple of suppliers on ebay: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VW-GOLF-MK3-VR6-C ... .m14.l1318 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Formula-Power-Ign ... .m14.l1318 anyone had any experience with either of these?
  2. Some scrotes broke into my `92 VR6 at the weekend ,as they couldn`t start it ,they decided to rip bits off the engine. :censored: As a result I am in need of replacement plug leads ,standard or performance. Any recommendations as to what to go for,and where to purchase from,along with part numbers?What sort of price should I expect to pay? I need the lead that goes from the distributor cap as well
  3. yep my leak turned out to be the `stat housing too,started off hailrline then gradually got bigger,very hard to detect,just small traces off water round the bottom end of the engine. Get it checked out before it`s too late! Cheers Ade.
  4. The corrado is a great looking car...from the side,and especially the cute ass end,but why do vw designers seem to lose the plot when it comes to headlamp design,they just seem to stick a passat grill and lights on everything!Some aggresive slanty headlights would have made this car near perfect.
  5. Any one had any experience having their car serviced at dubsport eccleston,lancs ,are they any good? no replies from dubsport please.
  6. make sure your mats and stuck underneath...seriously.it happens(not to me of course I wouldn`t be so bloody stupid..d`oh!)
  7. Try checking your thermost housing Ihad a similar problem,couldn`t see any visible leaks,and it turned out to have a hailine crack.Do it sooner rather than later.
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