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Posts posted by Ashun

  1. i too need one of these as i broke mine when replacing my matrix. Etka gives the details of the length of the bowden cable but they are on back order from vw and i was told there was no guarantee as to when one would arrive. plus they were looking for around £30 for it if i remember correctly. Having been disgusted by the price and having lost interest somewhat i am currently learning to deal with the frustration of misted up windows everyday. However, the way i see it the length of the bowden cable to a degree is irrelevant (can be too short) as long as a the movement of the cable inside the outer casing is enough for the controls to opperate sufficiently. Therefore it doesn't necessarily have to be a specific vr bowden just one of a similar length but of equal movement


    i.e ----========----


    where the minus (-) sign is the cable and the equals (=) sign is the outer casing. when centralised its the length of the minus bit that is the critical part.


    Anyway hope that makes sense i think it does to me, a bowden cable is basically like the cable you would have on the brakes of a bike.


    An old cable from any other vw may do the trick as long as it has similar parameters of movement. And that can be checked by looking length of travel of the heater contraol arm when it is moved through its full rotation.


    i may as always be mistaken so please feel free to correct me if im wrong.


    If you find one that works please let me know which one you got as its a pretty easy job to do andit won't take me long to be able to see properly out of my windscreen again.







    mines the same , i just close the top vents , the pushed open the screen vent by hand (you will have to take off some dash not much), also i just fixed my fan not doing 123 but just 4 , it was the switch on mine , cleaned it all up and had to bend the tab so it worked .


    its nice having a 2nd and 3rd speed and not that eye burning 4th :lol:


    Good luck with it mate



  2. They have got to scrap car tax as a one off payment and instead add it to the price of petrol. That way there is a sliding scale of who pays what according to what you drive. Choose a range rover, Pay lots, Fiesta, pay little. It also means you cannot avoid paying road tax because you cannot not buy petrol. Also getting shot of the sorn declaration. Also if you pay all these yearly taxes on your car you would use it over buses and trains because you have paid for a year so you use it for a year. If I could leave my car on my drive and take a train into the city knowing that im paying no road fund license I would feel im not wasting money.


    Paying exactly for the miles you use.


    All this is based on trusting the oil giants to account for the extra tax they would have to collect and hand over. Never going to happen. The least trustworthy people on the planet!



    dude some ppl only fix there cars at MOT time , just so they can get tax , so it makes them fix it keeping it safe

  3. I have a 2.0 16v , not a bad one by the sounds of it mines quite fast . I would get one as there much cheepness and you don't have to rush to buy it I find the VR6's sell fast.


    change the fuel filter when you get it mine was down on power when i got it , got that changed and it is much better



  4. I have a 2.0 16v , not a bad one by the sounds of it mines quite fast . I would get one as there much cheepness and you don't have to rush to buy it I find the VR6's sell fast.


    change the fuel filter when you get it mine was down on power when i got it , got that changed and it is much better



  5. Whilst you say you would sell the 16V and get a VR6 you also state you drive 60 miles to work every day, so if you were to use the VR6 as your daily driver and do 60 miles to work every day, I'd say your fuel bill was going to increase somewhat mate ? But if this is not a consideration or important then I'd say go for it.



    Yes thats my thinking , not sure i can stump up the money for 60 miles a day, some say vr6 is more eco if you don't boot it but i do this and a vr6 would use more fuel.




    I keep dreaming of those high returns


    what do you have junky? g60?


    I am not too good at writing adds can't think what to put in it


    some stuff will go on my vr6, if i get one , might just keep the old girl fix her up some more , the dam sunroof needs looking at :shock:



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