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Everything posted by Pondy_p

  1. this was an odd one my revving problem has gone away after a journey flicking the gas peddle up when it stuck (pull off in first gear on the gas, clutch, quickly flick accelerator peddle up with top of right foot, engage 2nd gear, lift clutch, back on gas) cooling not good as noticed thermostat opening wasn't as large as original, have to put original back in when I'm under there again - which might be tonight as starter now giving me jip.
  2. thanks for ALL those suggestions :ignore: I found it in the end, a split in a vacuum hose to the ECU
  3. Tried to find recent post to get some help - I am thinking of removing my starter motor as all I'm getting is a whurring noise (sticking bendix?!? dunno) when trying to start. It's only 1 yr old but went through some cooling issues which meant runing quite hot on a longish journey which i think has done something to the electrics (alternator now very frail). Where / how best to prop up engine when doing this?!?! what do you mean "hold the weights" hope you can comment Cheers
  4. Hmm maybe will check wiring - have recently changed it and water flange it goes in (the flange incedently had a extra port underneath which I fitted a spare sensor in to plug it!!) actually water level may be bit low which could be throwing out a bad reading if not immersed I guess? any tips of fitting the thermostat properly from below with the pump in place? this was what prompted me to just take it out
  5. AArrrgh - changed pump recently and due to having really probs with the hoses I didn't fit the stat and housing until in place - I obvioulsy didn't fit very well and has over heating probs since - I decided to check this was the prob by running without stat (of course on the coldest morning this winter!!) so evidenlty was stat as ran very cool and think confused the old girl as she started revving uncontrollably?! is this a typical side effect?! So there must be a tip to fit the stat underneath with pump still in place as I fitted this new pump nearly at the expense of my marriage so can't change it again, especially as need car tomorrow morning. help!!
  6. posting difficulties - runing without thermostat after overheating probs and after long journey in cold morning started revving uncontrollably is this a normal effect?!
  7. Have a '91 G60 I am in the luck position of using for fun not daily. Recent problem is when slowing down to a stop the revs drop right off to the point of near stalling if slowing down suddenly from speed stalls completely. It does it just idling and reving slightly too. I dont think its just a throttle problem as I have read in one thread, as the car is also running very very rich. The car starts absolutely fine (at the moment) even during this cold weather and runs evenly but with very poor fuel economy. Am I way off thinking Lambda or definately some other sensor?!? I think the exhaust needs a bit of attention as it rattles a bit over bumbs and with rear passengers. I'm not in a position to do much work but have solved a few things over the last year with the aid of the Bentley manual and this forum. Any suggestions please :confused4: Cheers
  8. Thanks for post, sounds easy.... think will try cleaning it up in place. the Bentley manual warns of engine/gearbox alignment shifting if starter is removed?! is this an over cautious statement? perhaps somehting best left to a professional.
  9. Hey thanks for the post - I checked the voltage, do get 12v (or 11.something to be precise) I'm hoping its just bad earth as need to clean the terminals up a bit - If it is the starter can you give any indication whether this is within the capabilities of a amateur corrado mechanic with Bentley manual, which warns about supporting the engine/gear box as the alginment can shift on the car. I've seen another post somewhere else about new starters being incorrect, where's the place to get one (and let a proper mechanic do the rest), I'm guessing not GSF. It was a GSF sourced black ignition switch, but I've kept the original as it showed no sign of wear- but after the palava of getting the original out I couldn't not replace it. cheers
  10. Hi I have this problem - I dont think it is such an easy fix tho' - are there any other suggestions?? dead starter motor?
  11. Hi I have this at the moment what was the fuse? where was it, is it a standard fuse location you say it was "added"? Really appreciate your reply thanks a lot Turlock
  12. I have this at the moment - what's has the solution generally been? I susect dodgy immobiliser as I've changed ignition switch - I have also changed the cable from positive to starter (ps will any 16mm2 cable do?) - aarrgh i hate electrics
  13. Hi All This is my first post so thought I'd do a new thread - I have a starting problem with my C where the ignition just does nothing. I switch it on the fuel pump primes and for the immobiliser on the car I have to wait for the oil light to stop flashing. When turning the key to start absolutely nothing happens, maybe a soft whurring. On a few occasions previously when starting it did make a fast grinding noise only just conected this happening with this latest problem - I replaced the ignition switch (also charged battery, but only 1yr old) and also spotted the cable straight from the +battery terminal to the starter was virtually broken so replaced that too. Is the starter motor knackered? If so I am reluctant to try to take it out as this may lead to alignment problems - Any pointers or tips, please? :shrug:
  14. Hi All I have similar problem where the ignition just does nothing. I switch it on the fuel pump primes and for the immobiliser on the car I have to wait for the oil light to stop flashing. When turning the key to start absolutely nothing happens, maybe a soft whurring. On a few occasions previously when starting it did make a fast grinding noise only just conected this happening with this latest problem - I replaced the ignition switch (also charged battery, but only 1yr old) and also spotted the cable straight from the +battery terminal to the starter was virtually broken so replaced that too. Is the starter motor knackered? If so I am reluctant to try to take it out as this may lead to alignment problems - Any pointers or tips, please? :shrug:
  15. I have recently bought a standard G60 '91 - the coolant temp never gets alarmingly high - but was revving the car down through the gears and the oil temp light started flashing - and its never stopped when starting the next day - Does this mean I have a pressure problem? have I blown something? Something to note is this light is also used as an indicator of the immobiliser being active on turning the ignition which you have to wait to go out before starting(not sure if this is somekind of botched job or typical?) Dont have a owners manual Any comments?
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