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Everything posted by NomoreGT4

  1. Hi chaps & thanks for the warm welcome. I think I will be looking at a Corrado after all 8) as the budget that I've set myself looks like it won't get me a reliable Fiat. But then I think I didn't want the Fiat anyway :lol: The Corrado looks much better 8) I'm not expecting the performance to be anywhere near the GT4 Junkie. My GT4 was pushing out 280hp with limited mods. I would just like a nice car to drive about in :D , rather than getting a shitbox fiesta or corsa :? I'll be calling insurance companies tomorrow for some decent quotes. Anyone recommend any companies? Rich
  2. Afternoon all, I've just signed up to the forum so thought I'd come & say hi, so, err, hi to you all :D . My name is Richard & I come from Sussex. I'm currently car less at the moment & not made my mind up as to which car I actually want. But on the short list is the Corrado 8), Fiat Coupe N/A or Turbo & maybe a Calibra coupe. I was a Toyota GT4 owner for 3 years, until I sold it earlier in the year :cry: I loved this car soo much it was unbeliveable. I actually had a little weep when she showed me her backside & drove down the road with someone else in the driving seat. Sad I know, but thats what enthauasits are like, isn't it :? or is it just me :lol: :oops: Here she is in her full glory. The chap that bought her from me is actually thinking of selling next year & has asked me if I want her back...... I kind of wish I hadn't sold it as it was a fantastic car to drive & own, but my reasons for selling were that it was really a weekend toy for me as I have a bike to get to & from work on. I found that the GT4 was just sitting on the driveway not getting used, so I thought I'd sell it while it's still got a decent value to it & use the ££ from the GT4 sale to put towards a deposit for a house. I'm sure we've all been in the same situation before :roll: But now the winter months are rolling in the & task of getting my bike gear on & off is now getting a bit tedious, I'm feeling the need for a nice warm car again :lol: Now, I'm not looking to spend big bucks on one of the shortlisted cars as that would have defeated the whole point of selling my GT4 in the first place. My budget will be a max of about £1400 & that would be a total MAX. I could just get a £300 banger, but thats just not my style. I like having a car that's a bit of a rareity & not what you see every day on the roads. I know I'll be looking at a high mileage example but that doesn't really bother me. If it's got full service history, been looked after well & has as fewer owners as poss, then thats all good 8). I'm assuming the Corrado shares most of its parts with the Golf? Being a VW reliability is good yes? I had no problems ever with the GT4. Started first time, every time. I'm not really looking for a car to modd, just a nice example. Who's a decent insurer to call? I'm getting some seriously silly quotes on the Corrado :x :roll: . I paid £250 fully comp, like for like, PNCB & agreed value of 7k for my GT4, so really looking to pay way less than that seeing as though I'm 30 in a months time :oops: Gawd, I just noticed how much I waffle on :lol: Anyway, if anyone has any hints, tips or advice of what to look out for, then all comments are appreciated & welcome 8). I've had a read through the buyers guide & it's very informative, but always like to hear from all owners. Well, lets hope I get a Corrado. I've seen a few in the for sale section that I like the look of too 8) Rich
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