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Everything posted by immortalbeast

  1. Hi, I dont want to buy sdomebody else's work. I want the fun of doing it myself. I cant imagine it being any more work doing RWD than 4WD as both would need the floor cutting to accomodate the transmission tunnel surely. I think ive decided what im going to do.... A VR6 RWD Turbo nutter!
  2. Hi, Thanks for the welcome. TBH i would prefer the v6 anyway as im not a fan of 4cyl engines. So.... who does a turbo conversion for them and how much do they roughly cost? Also is there anyway to have the corrado RWD whilst still keeping the engine in the same position or is it a case of modifying the floor to accomadate a transmission tunnel and mounting the engine longitudinal? Matt
  3. Hi, Thanks for the reply. Im after speed, handling, reliability and refinement. Ultimately i woulf prefer a RWD vr6 turbo but dont know how well the engines handle forced induction. I would consider the 1.8t but do anyone know what they are like to drive off boost? , and are they a nice soundng engine? Matt
  4. Hi All, First post so go easy. I am going to be buying a VW Corrado within the next month as i have always loved the shape of them. I plan to buy one and tweak it but which is the best route in your opinion? 1: VR6 and tune it up 2: G60 and tune it up 3: Transplant a 1.8t Golf engine in and tune it 4: As above but convert it to RWD 5: VR6 but convert it to RWD 6: Any of the engines and do 4WD? Or any other suggestions? Matt :salute:
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