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Everything posted by Econis

  1. i was under the impression that the vss reads off a gear in the trans - which was the gear i was referring to. i also remember something like my tach and some mfa functions also don't work which may have something to do with it.
  2. hello all, i have a 92 rado 2.8 vr6. i live in the states. i bought the car nearly 3 years back and then my head gasket went and needless to say the motor went caput. 2 years later i finnaly am able to put a new motor in it which im in the middle of. when it was running the mph was not correct. i have an mph cluster but when it reads 60 mph im really traveling at 60kph. now my main wiring harness was all butchered up leaving me only to believe that some had done an engine swap before but now im not sure at all. my vin says its a 93 and body says 92. i thought it might the speedo gear in the trans but it would seem they are all the same ratio? i also can not find my ecu code anywhere thinking maybe its a canadian car with a canadian ecu? ecu codes are 0 261 203 044 / 021 906 258 ba. the car when i bought it has a coil pack on it which i thought that it should have a distributor, which lead me to believe that the engine was changed for one with a coil pack and thus the butchered harness but with out a proper ecu that wouldn't work either. the only other option would be the vss, but im also not sure that those are not the same part everywhere as well. so im really stumped. i would appreciate any suggestions or the like, and if i left anything unclear im more than happy to to try and alleviate any questions.
  3. I wish i was putting in an R32, but they aren't to common over here and i dont have that much money, so im putting in a 2.8. im even having a hard time finding one of the 2.8's with low milage for a decent price. Yea i am going to make sure that i get an ecu/ecm from a manual trans car and then im going to have a place near me called Dubwerks reflash it (taking out the immobiliser, the abs thing, and the second bank of lambadas/ and or what ever else needs to be done) As for the wiring.... i may also chicken out as i have never done that before and normally i would say hell yea lets do it, but i dont know the 2 systems in and out so i may no some one who will do it, plus this is my DD so i need it back up as soon as possible. (luckily i have a 96 prelude that i am driving at the moment, but i need the money from that to do the swap. Its a massive catch 22) yea i thought i read some where in the thread that LHD cars dont need custom downpipes. Im hoping anyway.
  4. ok that helps out a ton, and my car is already a/c so if you say its no drama to keep it i might as well. It seems that the wiring is the hardest part, and i sort of am but not at the same time going to have some one do it for me. I've never done anything this extreme to a car before but i got a friend of a friend who does swaps all the time so im going to exchange his time for some cash cause i cant afford a real shop to do it. Thanks for the reply and the help should make planning this a lot easier. :clap:
  5. Ok so my 12v took a massive dump on me and now i need to replace the engine so i want to put in the 24v. I've read the entire 24v conversion definative thread but i have some questions that i still need answered. 1st: will it matter if the engine came on an automatic trans origanaly (the 24v) i'm thinking not but i want to make sure 2nd: i know i will need the harness from the 24v engine to the ecu, a 24v ecu, and the loom from the ecu to the clocks/relay panel.... now as i want to use the original corrado clocks is it easier to use the corrado relay panel or switch it for the mkIV or do a hybrid of both... (im going to remove the 2 last lambadas and do the immobiliser defeat, and such) 3rd: what brackets and pulleys in what combination do i need. I know can use all the existing cooling and such and i believe that i need a 24v powerstering bracket and pulley but i can use the 12v pump, but instances like that. (i think i herd that i have to remove the a/c which is fine but i want to know for sure) 4th: As im in the states and my car is LHD do i need a downpipe frabicated? i thought i heard that i could just use the 24v one. i have the elsa and both wiring diagrams for each engine, but if there is anything else that i may need to know that would be fantastic (i dont want to make it mkIV, just a corrado with the 24v engine) Thanks in advance
  6. Econis


    hope this is where im supposed to post this.... I just bought a 93 rado like 2 weeks ago. and im completely new to vw and ive replaced like 4 relays already which have remedied some of the problems, but this is odd. My speedo shows 100mph when im doing 60mph (like it is in kph but using the mph numbers) and every other speed match pretty close, my tach is completely dead and my mpa works except oil temp doesnt and the mpg is way low at 4.5-5.5 mpg and i know im getting more than that. The background on the car from what the seller told me was, that when they had someone installing the radio (could also be the remote start) the odometer got set back like 20,000 miles so supposedly the car has 80k and shows 60k and the speedo started doing that and the tach died. i mean everything minus the tach works, fuel is fine, engine temp is fine, the clock is fine but those little anomalies. so if anyone has any suggestions that would be greatly appreciated.
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