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About doug_GT

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  1. i use autoglymn bumper care and usually brings my bumpers up pretty nice on my polo
  2. we have that shit all round my house, outside my house and a lot of the roads near me its a pain i have to sweep the gravel off my drive all the time and its been there a year now and still flicks stones up every so often :gag:
  3. yeah mate you'll defo have to take me for a ride, ive never been in one to be honest but they look sooooo mean i gotta have one il come chat to you at the next meet am at 8) and i would go for a g60, but got rent, beer, food and weed to buy so drains me funds haha :norty: cool forum everyone :wave:
  4. i'll put a thing in the classifieds soon :wave:
  5. nice one for that pal think i'll go for a kr then, there seems to be more of them about. not too bothered about the extra power side would just be nice to know it was able to be got easily. my polo responds really well to just a drilled airbox, chip and exhaust and its really quick for what it is. just dont want to buy a rado and find its boring because u cant feel the speed of the thing i like g60s but theyre another 600 on the insurance which is too much really and i cant afford the added running costs of a supercharger as im a student so during term time i wouldnt be able to pay for things like charger rebuilds etc
  6. hey, thanks for the info. do you reckon you could link me to the rado buying guide ? i had a look and could only find the history of it is the 2.0 16v easier to get extra power out of than the KR? are they much more to insure? im 19 ive just insured my polo for 700 and its an extra 400 insurance to swap to a 1.8 sorry for all the questions lol and im on clubpolo and edition, everyone wanted to buy it when i didnt want to sell.....when i want to sell, no buyers haha heres a random pic of my polo :D
  7. hey there im doug and im new to the site, as i currently have my polo GT which needs a bit of TLC :camp: for sale and im hoping to buy a 1.8 16v kr Corrado as a replacement. i apologize if ive posted this in the wrong place just thought i'd ask a few questions, would i be able to get a decent one for around a grand? been looking around and that seems to be the average price of them what should i look out for as common problems with these? what are the easiest/cheapest ways of getting an extra 30/40bhp out of the KR? how do they compare to say a mk2 gti 8v for speed/comfort/handling/price??? does anybody wana buy a 93 polo gt ? lol :hitler: :norty: anyway i hope to use this site more frequently, and thanks in advance 8)
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