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Everything posted by inadubstylee

  1. hi just wondering if any one can help ive got a rado g60 witch was runing mint apart from the charger apex seals were gone so i bought a a new charger off edition 38 its bin done buy a x jabbasport engineer who does a bit on his own and is surposed to be hi spec over stage 4. i changed this also fitting a new oil feed and 68mm pully second hand jabba chip and short belt while i was playin in the bay i got carryied away and put loads of other bits in such as g40 plugs jabba induction kit bbm motorsport intercooler pipes 3.5 bar fuel reg 8mm leads and new dizzy cap rotary arm fuel filter oil and oil filter and then removed the boost recirc pipe and carbon canister. when i got it all back together and fired it up it idled very lumpy and u could smell fuel in the exhaust fumes then black smoke when reving i removed the 3.5 pressure reg to c if this sorted it it ran a lot less lumpy but still stinks of fuel and black smoke when reved and now im stuck with it and diein to get it on the road can any one help or point me in the right direction cheers :D
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