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Everything posted by jimmyvwjunkie

  1. haha this post might answer your question. some handy suggestions and pages of entertainment :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=79563&hilit=rounded
  2. hahaha thats cool. 8)
  3. good list there david. my mpg's are crap the now. so got myself an isv coming and new oil filter and so on all getting done this weekend. also getting tuned 2. just as your list states it basically means give your car a good service on a regular basis. i never really thought the raddo was that heavy, well compared to modern cars weight.
  4. eh strange one. never heard of that before. might be a earthing problem or as the chappy said above.
  5. hahahaha no way, they dont even seem supprised. chuck the brach oot the window and just walk away. not even a moment to stare at that branch and reflect on what just happened :lol: :lol:
  6. thanks for the info. i took the wheel off and i cant see nothing. its kinda stopped now but it did make the noise once today when i went full lock round a corner slowly. so will have another look. 8)
  7. ah nice one. you have any details on the seller??? name or something? :notworthy:
  8. right guys in need of help. i was on my way home there just now and i went over some part of another car lieing on the road. it smashed off the bottom of mine and now when i turn corners it mates a clattering noise. just like a bearing has gone. well i just jacked the front up and turned the wheel to the right and it make the same noise like i desribed. i can also hear steering fluid skooshing about when i turn it fast and hard by hand. but sounds like it has bubbles in it. if that makes sense to uz. what could i have damaged??? :(
  9. simple job. i enjoyed doing the handbrake cables last time. i paid £11.70 each from autoparts.
  10. i dont understand why someone would do that :mad2: im feelin fairly peeved off just hearing that. sorry to hear mate. hope all goes well
  11. yup they are. justlook on ebay. i bought a brand new one off there
  12. cheers toad. i found the hidden bolt. was above the adjusting bolt for the belt tensioning. got it sorted. new water pump on and a replaced the 42mm manifold for a 50mm sounds and runs great now. cheers lads for the info
  13. yeah i had done all that but still hasnt moved. thought there might be more. its slightly slack but not enough
  14. anyone know how to quickly remove the belt on the water pump??? its lashing down with rain and ive all ready started the job, so need to finish. :gag: corrado 1.8 16v
  15. haha i did clean it up. it made my mpgs worse. im now sitting at 16mpg
  16. does anyone know how much a new ISV is?
  17. cheers guys. i actually had a 13mm allan key, sosorted there. the injector sleeves were really stiff to get out. but soak them in wd40. and they came off. well thats me just swapped my 42mm manifold for a 50mm. a fair bit more top end power. not to tourqie though :(
  18. spot on jim. its for a 16v. just the info i needed. thanks alot :salute:
  19. hi as title says. im having bother getting the copper sleeves the injectors slip into. can anyone shed some info???? :|
  20. yup mines has started doing it aswell. gonna have a look at it this problem. my mate worked for the vw dealership and garage, he magicaly accuired a small diagnostics machine :pirate: what now stays in his garage. hes going to plug it in and find out what is wrong this weekend with my corrado. so hopefully find out and get back to you. might be same problem.
  21. thats a real decent price but 1500 miles is way to small for me. im 21 would i qaulify for classic car insurance?
  22. haha im paying just under £900 with a £200 excess. and thats for a 1.8 16v :?
  23. ah rite. fair bit away then :D . good luck with it. looks nice
  24. ah nice corrado. where bout in scotland is it?
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