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Posts posted by beastie4126

  1. SORN'd the Corrado a couple of months ago as it needed a bit of work for it's MOT and pennies are in really short supply. So it's been sat on the drive looking forlorn while I swithered whether I had the time and patience to break it or just wheel it down to the scrappy and be done with it.


    Made my mind up today that I really can't let it go and began to make a list of needed bits and work that's required for said MOT.


    Just couldn't do it. She who thinks she must be obeyed just shook her head and muttered something about besotted and sanity.


    What's it need Wullie?

  2. Well the 263's certainly made a difference to the feel of my engine and that was with a standard map a standard exhaust and inlet manifold. I think the majority of the tuning guys say the standard exhaust manifold is already pretty good but I do think the noise is so much better. If you are defo going for a SC I would leave the schrick manifold and save up for the charger.

  3. Is that likely to be out of stock or no longer available at Bar-Tek?


    Wish I'd taken the one I was offered for £600 last year now :(


    Well if I can't shift my car in the next couple of weeks there will be another one for sale - not for £600 though :)

  4. Did my drivers seal dry as the one I took off didn't seem to have any kind of solvent / glue product on it. Be ready to give your door sills a ruddy good clean as mine where covered in filth underneath and needed a fair bit of persuasion to get the rubber bond to part with the paintwork.

  5. Following a small bump last year Admiral basically doubled our insurance premium for four cars in January this year. Managed to get two of the cars covered by Elephant Insurance for a lot less only to find out that they are basically run by Admiral!! I hate insurance companies - license to print money and need reigning in by the government imho.

  6. You can but you normally have to supply high pressure air into the spark plug hole to keep the valve's up. TBH I would complete a compression test 1st to see how everything else is standing up before deciding what to do.

  7. How long would you need them for? I'm still waiting for Nick to respond to this thread but if you only need them for a couple of days then I can get you to send them straight to him.... if he wants them..


    I think Nick needs fans as well so he may well pass - I'll text him to give him a nudge.

  8. It's worth mentioning that these brackets will only fit if you have an original VW Denso Marston radiator as all other replacement rads don't have the extra lips across the top which these secure to.


    They secure on either end of a pattern rad but need rad ties and a spacer for the middle connectors. Tbh the fans and rad ties would do the job just as well, just doesn't look as nice.

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