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About oknights

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  1. Ok, I'm intreigued as to what your opinions will be on my choice of wheel colour... Nothing exciting or controversal about the actual wheel choice, 15inch bbs', but... I have decided to paint them gold, not a really shinny gold or owt nothing bling just to clarify...I have a Dark blue Corrado. What do you reckon, they will be done by the end of this week so photos will be up but what are your initial thoughts?!
  2. I've just fitted some KW Street Sports (i think thats their name anyway) not THE cheapest KW do but when compared to most, I would class them as 'cheap' and they are actually a fairly decent ride. After reading this thread I was preparing myself for an awful ride but combined with new top mounts compared to my old shocks (Boge turbos and Sachs Supersports) its not that much different. The rear is a little bouncy but its not crashy or uncomfortable. So there is my two pence on the matter! Quality of the kit to fit was fine but its still early days so I will keep you posted on future developments but I havn't had the car long and wanted to drop it a bit and sort the top mounts out so thought I may as well go for some coilies. And I will put some pics up once I have my new wheels on... :D
  3. WEasn't happy with it so disassembled the fronts, and after thinking about it, i had put one too many nuts on so its now all tight and hunky dory!!may go lower though!
  4. Even though I only have a couple of threads at the top is this ok?its done up as tight as can be done with an impact gun and a makeshift tool to hold the strut and when its on the ground its sitting fine so i'll take it for a drive....:)
  5. .........NEED ADVICE URGENTLY...........I need to bump this as I have just fitted some coilovers and now when the car is jacked up, the strut drops and rests on the top cap as in the pictures, allowing me to lift the strut assembly with the wheel into the arch...surely this cant be right, I dont really want to road test at the mo because i'm positive going over a bump is going to result in loss of a proper connection.........NEED ADVICE URGENTLY........... Just to clarify, it is excatly as in the pictures...... :help: :shrug:
  6. Can you buy the uprated looms from anywhere or are they all home mades?Has anyone got a wiring diagram of how to put one together...?
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