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Adam Darby

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Everything posted by Adam Darby

  1. just out of intereast were abouts it the ISV is it on the top of the throttle body and its just has a brass type screw valve?
  2. Adam Darby

    fuel pump

    Which fuel pump is it tha you have got. I will find out if it wil fit.cheers
  3. Adam Darby

    fuel pump

    yes the car still turn's over, it makes a similar noise to the fuel pump prime but not as loud. the corrado is electronicaly fuel injected it use's a bosh K-tronic system.
  4. Adam Darby

    fuel pump

    hi i have a 1990 1.8 16v corrado need some info on the fuel pump its started to make a loud continuous buzzing noise. Does anybody no what this means, and does anybody no how many fuel pumps it has, i heard that it has an intank one and another main fuel pump, and that the main one normally starts buzzing wen the intank one fails because its workin to hard?
  5. hi ive got 17" on my corrado and mine rubbed wen on full lock, so i put spacers on to bring the wheels out and that seemed to fix the problem. i dont no if it is the same problem as yours though. :D
  6. its normal read your manual it can even switch back on a while after you have switched off it tells you in your manual
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