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Everything posted by Peebee

  1. How about very tidy and comes with original first aid kit and triangle? ;-)
  2. Hi i'm contemplating ejecting my interior but don't have a clue how much I should be advertising it for. Forum rules state I must have a price before I put up for sale, hence why I'm here! It's the grey leather heated interior from a 1993 vr6. Any thoughts? Much love, terry ti..... Paul! ;-)
  3. Ye i know! Glad its not too common! :clap: Thats my beast!
  4. I was hoping mine was going to be rare (Dark Durgundy), turns out its in the second highest group! :( lol
  5. Thats a beautiful car! 8)
  6. The battery has been relegated to the boot and the green thing is the toad alarm!
  7. Id say so ye, just as in its so torquee throughout the power band. Great useable power!
  8. Thought id post up a couple of pics of my 4 motion engine and a lil vid for everyone. Hope you like.
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