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Broken G60

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Everything posted by Broken G60

  1. Thanks for your help guys! Turns out all it needed was a new fuel filter. If only everything in life was this simple.
  2. Dear All, Please can you help me get to work in the morning? My G60 has developed the endearing habit of kangarooing down the road then dying when I drive it. It doesn't seem to do it above 40mph and once I've done a long drive on a dual carriageway, it seems to be fine until I next drive it. I noticed at the same time that the mpg reading shows as 99.9. If only it were true. When I first tried to drive home this evening it jumped and stalled about 30 times, but once I reached the dual carriageway it seemed to be fine. I had a look through some threads about lift pumps failing and poor electrical connections, but none seemed to exactly match my situation. If anyone had some thoughts I would be very grateful. Thanks for your time, Sam
  3. BANANA MAN - Thanks for your help! I will buy some tinted glass in confidence. dubbprince - I'm afraid I've got no idea what the numbers mean! I assume it describes which car and window the glass is suitable for. My glass isn't etched with the my reg plate and I really couldn't tell you if was an option. Good luck finding out from more experienced members. Cheers, Sam
  4. Dear all, My electric windows are etched and I was thinking of replacing them. Apparently the windows come in different tints and I would like them to match the other windows. I looked at the driver's side window, which had "Sekurit Saint-Gobain E1 43R.001025 DOT27M24100AS2 1....Tinted" written on them. The windows look green to me, but I wondered if anyone could tell from the code what colour they would be described as, when I came to buy some other window glass. Thank you for your time.
  5. Dear Henny, I mentioned I wanted an OEM exhaust since Youngsyt had a Milltek unit available and I was trying to let him know that I didn't want to pay the increased insurance for a non-standard unit. If hanger and pin type are interchangeable, then I can buy the unit on eBay. Thanks! Sam
  6. Dear All, Thanks for your help. Unfortunately I needed an OEM hanger type. Damn. Sam
  7. Please can someone tell me if this is a pin or hanger type exhaust? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... %3AIT&rd=1 Thanks.[/code]
  8. I'm expecting to get the ECU back soon and then I can take a picture of the missing pin & hopefully benefit further from all your combined wisdom. In the meantime, please can anyone tell me where I can find the number on the ECU that identifies it? I'm also trying to buy a replacement unit in case I'm not able to repair the old one and the chap who might be able to sell me one doesn't currently know how to find it. Thanks!
  9. Dear All, Thanks for your help. I am told that without the pin that has snapped off, the car will not move, so I assume it was not a redundant pin. £400 was for a new price. I will look around for a second hand unit. Thanks, Sam P.S. Sorry Darren, was there any particular vee-dub classifieds you could recommend please?
  10. My Corrado G60's ECU was supposed to be being fixed, but I'm told a pin has snapped off it and now I have to get a new one. Can anyone tell me if this is correct please? £400 or whatever for a new one seems a bit steep to me. Thanks, Sam
  11. Dear Henny, I've just checked the invoice for the rebuilt and I did indeed have the head, not the block, skimmed. Sorry about that, I'm clearly a muppet. Honestly, I just enjoy driving the car (or at least I used to..) and I don't know much about how it works. I generally get my brother to fix it, but I think he's at the end of his patience. But thanks for giving me your thoughts, I will definitely pass them onto my brother. In case none of that works (or he just bursts into tears & gives up!), could anyone suggest a good garage nearby who might be able to help me? I live in Cambridge. I've checked the sticky on recommended garages and I was thinking using the Lion Garage in Nottingham. I think I'd better get my brother to call them and see if they get involved in mysterious performance problems. Thanks, Sam
  12. Back again! Unfortunately I have already had the blue temperature sensor and throttle cable replaced, so hopefully it isn't an issue with either of those two. Next thing to try is apparently is to remove the cat and see if that helps. Thanks.
  13. Gentlemen, Thank you very much for your help. Particularly big respect & thanks to Banana Man, I did indeed have a bent micro switch. This has solved the problem of revs returning slowly to idle and now the car smells of petrol a lot less. I now just need to work out why there seems to be a lack of power and a high fuel consumption. According to my brother the fule lines weren't leaking. I tried testing the boost pressure. I had a read of 670 at idle and 1730 at redline in 3rd. As far as I can tell from http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8800 this seems about right. I think my brother is suggesting a trip for the car to a local garage staffed by ex-VAG staff to see if they can come up with anything. Thanks again!
  14. Dear All, Please can anyone help me with my 1992 J reg G60? I have just spent £1,300 having the block skimmed and the gearbox rebuilt, but I am having a number of problems. I got my brother, who is a mechanic, to coordinate getting all the work done, but my car is still suffering from the following problems, and he isn't sure what to do next. Problems: i. HIgh petrol consumption; ii. Car stinks of petrol when in use; iii. Erratic tick-over/idle revs; iv. When the throttle is fully opened, the engine takes around 20 seconds to return to a normal idle rev range; and v. The car appears to have no power; fully depressing accelerator makes the revs increase slowly, but with seemingly very little increase in power. My brother tried soaking the ISV overnight in some cleaning product and replaced the throttle cable, to no effect. He showed me that the throttle cable was closing completely okay, so presumably that isn't wasn't the problem. He also replaced the water temperature sensor switch, although that might have been to fix a different problem. Also, please can anyone tell me what the sensor on the boost tube between the intercooler and the air inlet manifold does please? Thanks for your time.
  15. Dear Supercharged, Thank you for your help. Does anyone have a picture of a scuttle panel please? Thanks.
  16. Dear All, I have just had my engine block skimmed & the gearbox rebuilt. Other than being £1,300 poorer, somewhere along the line, a piece/pieces of plastic have gone missing from under the bonnet. I would like to get one/some more, but I don't know what they are/it is called. Can anyone help please? The missing piece(s) are just under the bonnet next to the windscreen. Consulting my manual, it appears to be called the 'rear cross panel' where the identification plate is. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks.
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