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About cmlamont

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  1. I have a problem. My cars guage is reading low. It doesnt get above 70 or 80. But fan comes on. Therefore guess that this is a problem related to the yellow sensor. My car after warming up starts to overfuel and flood the engine - it then would appear to go into safe mode, as i cant rev above 5000rpm. I have decided that if I'm changing the yellow sensor I would change the blue one which sends signals to the ECU - just in case the car thinks its running in cold start mode all the time. Get the parts from euro car parts. The yellow one is black - OK from the forums, but when installed and I attach the lead, the fan kicks in immediately. This would appear to me to be a problem with the sensor, however by mistake I was sent 2 of the same sensor so tried the other one in the socket without installing into car and same thing. Now surely only when the car heats up should the sensor switch the fan on. My sensor part number is 701 919 369 B - not 701 919 369 D which is stated on all other forums. The blue part that arrived today is the wrong part so I'll be sending that back. Any ideas on whats going on with the sensor? Am I doing the right thing in regards to changing these anyway?
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