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dinkus last won the day on September 17 2016

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10 Good

About dinkus

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  • Birthday 03/02/1982


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    Fixing TV stations

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  1. Haha yeah, I'm still officially based in Toronto, but on a 3 month joll...*cough* er work secondment to Sao Paulo. Sadly haven't been able to kidnap a burly lumberjack (Toady would get jealous), but there's definitely some very distracting sights in Brazil... I'm going to be here til just after the Olympics and then who knows, but would be good to trundle down to a CF gathering when I'm next back in the UK!
  2. Haha not actually my car, but seemed fitting :) Work has been a bit of a mental whirlwind recently, but gonna get a few months to chill in Sao Paulo starting in June, so should be good fun!
  3. Ohh man this looks superb, but alas I'm currently in Sao Paulo for a few months, so got this as my pretty pimped ride. The heshe's are loving it.
  4. Plenty of ideas on 419 eater :lol: http://www.419eater.com/html/hall_of_shame.htm
  5. http://www.knfilters.com/filter_facts.htm#WORD Seems to imply that you'd need a 10 micron or finer filter... so not convinced they'll really do a better job than any other 'performance' filter...
  6. Especially if you've got Recaros...
  7. Haha the bulldozer is cool, but how awesome is this Rubik's Cube solver??
  8. Haha so err just all the important bits then? :D
  9. Haha you just did exactly what I was planning on doing, but there must be a way to get all the necessary parts. CF group buy? :lol:
  10. Hehe this is way too awesome, especially as that V8 has a parts list and instructions! I just found that you can buy individual parts from Lego too, so I wonder how much the parts for that V8 would be... http://shop.lego.com/pab/ It also looks like they used LDraw to design the engine, which sounds like it's a better app for design than Lego's own one - www.ldraw.org Oooh and www.bricklink.com
  11. That is some crappy news about the multiple grittings, but as the guys say - there's not really a lot you or the gritting drivers can do about it. It's a risk of winter driving as much as slithering off the road into a ditch is :( On the plus side - at least there aren't any snow routes in the UK. In Canada if there's more than 2" of snow on the ground it's illegal to park on a lot of streets. So if they find your car parked on the street and they have time, they might tow it, but chances are they'll just take the snow plough down the street anyway and bury your car in the snow/misc other crap...and fine you for the privilege :)
  12. I'm not sure if I should hate your become your best friend :D :norty: Not jealous at all though... much... :D
  13. So alas she has finally gone to a new home. It was tough saying goodbye, but I honestly don't think she could have found a better owner - she'll definitely be well looked after and loved by neuon2003 :) viewtopic.php?f=11&t=82161
  14. There was definitely a lump in my throat as I watched you drive away, but I'm very happy that the old girl has gone to a very loving home :) IT's good to know that someone else agrees that all the hard work on the mechanical bits was worth it - there's nothing like a Corrado-induced grin :D Oh and if you should happen to find any dead ferrets in the boot, if you could send them back to Toad, that'd be much appreciated :lol:
  15. Can I suggest updating the above, to mention that an O ring is needed when replacing the sensor? I just bought a genuine blue coolant sensor but wasn't advised to buy O-ring N 903 168 02 at the same time - very annoying. Cheers Chris Ah yes, forgot about the O-rings! First post updated :)
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