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About mattbalmforth

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    Harrogate, North Yorkshire
  1. I used to have a green Storm but fincancially needed to sell it... I heard a rumour about a mystic 7 storms that are PURPLE. Legend has it that VW made 250 green, 250 blue...... & 7 purple storms.. The 7 purple storms were "rewards" from VW to the dealerships that sold the most CORRADO's after the end was announced.... Is this true..? Also, what are the lottery numbers for next week..? So I can buy another STORM.... Look, I know its just a name but when u see that Corrado flash past you & you glance in your rear view mirror & see that flash of red of the storm badge... u know you have seen ONE !!!! Any one who says, MMM mines better spec'd.... just wants a STORM.
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