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Everything posted by jimscorrado16v

  1. Hi Mad-Dog, Thanks. If the picture does not attach then it looks like this: https://picasaweb.google.com/jimswebpics/WillTaylor944#5787826932178429746 Hello Fanjita, I really want a second so I can do a variable resistor (pot) mod to it, but if I mess it up I can always put my stock one back in. Thanks! JT
  2. Replied to you Rod, I think the 90-91 had the older style box, i'm after the new style connection. JT
  3. Hi. My late 94 Corrado currently has the '56 mph' spoiler control box (part number 535 919 845 C). I'm after a working '45 mph' version (535 919 845 A). It has to be the same sort of control box / connector (ie not very early models). Aware I could change the resistor, but planning on fitting my current one with a variable resistor & making a quick 'how to' if I am successful. Thanks, James
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