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About penfoldg60

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  1. Update- Momo wheel out original euro wheel in, although the arse who had the car before me forgot to tell me the spline sleeve was removed!!!! Never known a car cost so much for original parts Grrrr the quest goes on for perfection.
  2. Looking for a euro style (round ish, not the boxy one) any price considered, leather obviously a bonus.
  3. I thought thats the best option, another thought was get a more original wheel are all vw the same fitment i was looking at a wheek from the EOS
  4. Took the hub off today and suprise suprise the allen key bolts were alittle past there best so had to drill 2 of them off, and to add insult to injury the hub has no tab at the base of it,anyone any ideas????
  5. Are you saying its a 5 minute job, will give it a go tomorrow. Thanks although with every five minute job comes days of bruised knuckles and lots of swearing. Thanks again gutted didn't sort this before
  6. Pritty new to this after more or less rebuilding my c, there's one thing that seems to be getting the better of me. Since I bought the car 5 years ago it was fitted with a momo hub a steering wheel, and for some reason the indicators don't self cancel!! This wasn't a problem at first by now it getting on my t**s. Could someone please help me
  7. My gearbox is on the way out and I have seen a refurbished mk4 golf one and would liketo know if its possible to put it in my G60. Has anyone done this, are any modifications needed as its an 02j and my corrado is 02a? any help would be appreciated
  8. Can anyone shed some light? Fitted the kit to drivers door & now that door will not lock with either the fob or key, the knob moves slightly and the alarm works fine, also the boot and passenger door still lock. Being honest I have no idea if this is a new development since fitting the kit!
  9. In need of help, I have stupidly opened up my heated seat switch to change the bulb and some bits have come out and I cant remember where they went. Can someone please post a picture if possible of the inside of their switch. thanks
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