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About Jaystar77

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    Co Down, Northern Ireland
  1. Had to let it go, the guy just wasn't dropping anything off it. Pity as that's the first time I've experienced a supercharger. :shock: Will just keep my eyes open for another Corrado. Thank you to all for the words of wisdom, gratefully received. Now I just have to wait for my Starlet GTT to come back from the bodyshop... :cry: Thanks Jay
  2. Hi guys, I'm new to the site and still finding my way around. It seems like a goldmine of information - just what I was looking for! Would like to bounce a question on superchargers off someone. It seems the supercharger is due an overhaul at around 40-60,000 miles or else it can breakdown. I was looking at a 1992 G60 with 92,000 miles on the clock but no mention or record of a supercharger rebuild. Is it possible that the charger has made it to 92k without maintenance or do you think it's bound to have had the work done at some stage? I've never dealt with a supercharged car before, but on the testdrive there was no running problems and she seemed to pull well from low revs. Did notice slight white smoke but the car had been sitting for a while and this cleared after it heated up. The seller is going to find out how long the MOT runs to and get back to me, but I'm not sure if I can afford the £500+ overhaul that it might need. Otherwise the car looks in good condition and I have to admit the lift with a supercharger is quite addictive! Thanks in advance for any replies. Jay
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