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About andymk4

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  • Birthday 07/21/1982
  1. Yes mate, I should be along in the morning. Any idea what time it starts? I've got a bus coming off hire at midday so need to be away at about 11:30am. Depending on start/finish times, I may head down in the afternoon instead...
  2. Haha yeah I feel the need now, but I can't afford to run the MK4, MK1 and get a rado... Please come to the next Thursday DubGeneration meet and take me for a spin!
  3. Yeah lots of DubGeneration meets. Next one is on 19th May at the Jolly Farmers in Tacolneston (NR16 1LG). We're doing it as a curry night, so if you want food you can eat for a fiver Rob_B - get yourself back down there soon. It's been a while and I wanna talk 'rado's
  4. I'm in Mulbarton, just to the south of Norwich
  5. Cheers dude. Looking forward to getting acquainted with a few more rado owners.
  6. Hi everyone, I'm Andy, from Norfolk. I know a few people registered on here already, but don't know their usernames. I run a local club (dubgeneration.co.uk) with a couple of mates and own Norfolk VW Campers (http://www.norfolkvwcampers.co.uk). Right, poorly disguised plugs out of the way... I've just registered as I want to learn more about Corrado's. I'm planning on getting a VR once my MK1 Golf cabriolet goes off the road at the end of the summer. All advice gratefully received really. I'm a bit clueless with Corrado's, but owning one is an itch I've been needing to scratch for a long time, and now is the right time for me to go for it (when I say now, I mean September). So be prepared for some basic and probably dumb questions! Anyway, here are my current rides... MK1 Cabby MK4 PD150 And the buses
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