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Darren G-werks

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About Darren G-werks

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  • Birthday 03/08/1974


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  1. Hello Guys, I was made aware of this thread last night and have spent some time this morning reading all of the posts on here. Whilst I don’t get the chance to come onto this forum anymore due to work / family commitments (Having 2 kids now keeps me quite busy out of work hours) This thread has obviously prompted me to leave a reply for you all. I am aware that some of the customer service level at G-werks` may of slipped a little here over the last few months and whilst I’m not here to make excuses for that (After all its un excusable) I wanted to let you guys know that we have made some serious changes over the last few weeks as we were also aware their were certain areas that we were lacking in and needed to be resolved. We have taken these measures buy adding two new trained members to the team, One in the workshop and One as a sales director who will be handling all of the sales to allow me to get back to running the workshop and carrying out my supercharger servicing without delay. We hope this will allow us to get back to a level of both turnaround time and customer service that we would expect to receive from any company and more in the next week or so and are dealing with anything we have outstanding as we speak. I know it will not be possible to please everyone all of the time but we will endeavor to do our best for every customer be it just ringing for advice or making a booking / sale Their may still be time when it possible I personally won’t be able to take your call but this will only be either when I’m working on a customers vehicle / Supercharger / Parts order. Please leave a message or drop me an email and I will return to you as quickly as possible. Some of the posts here about how we used to come on here and offer help and advice etc and now don’t have also been taken into consideration and I will try and spend some time every day on here to reply to technical issues and offer any help possible. We also receive many calls per day from people just asking for advice which are obviously time consuming but part and parcel of what we do. I would also like to add my personal email address and ask that if anyone would like to contact me directly about any posts in this thread or any other issue please do so on darren(at)g-werks.com Darren Bennett
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