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About chargedG60

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    new york


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  1. http://biareview.com/ http://anztheme.com/ dịch vụ thành lập doanh nghiệp tư vấn luật dịch vụ kế toán trung tâm kế toán Việc này cũng tạo thành thương hại không nhẹ với người thi thuật. Chỗ dựa lớn nhất trước mắt là Isabella lấy mạng sống ra đe dọa, nếu nàng chết rồi thì khi tinh thần lạc ấn của Olivia phát tác sẽ không có người áp chế, rất có thể sẽ từng bước từng bước trở nên điên cuồng. Lấy Olivia thực là là đề nghị của Isabella. Dù sao, Augustine Las cũng là vương giả của loài rồng, cường giả bán thần cấp cao cao tại thượng. Lúc đó, nếu kéo dài thời gian quá mức sẽ khiến lão ta mất hết nhẫn nại, thế cục ngược lại sẽ khó mà ổn định nổi. Quả nhiên, khi Isabella đưa ra đề nghị, Augustine Las liền tiếp thụ, khô
  2. i recently bought a 90' corrado g60......the previous owner punched the cat and its now empty.....i put an aftermarket exhaust from brullen from the cat back.....my question is if there isnt any cat or no material inside of it will it effect how the charger boosts and the cars performace with little or no amounts of back pressure?? i was also told that there was a chip thats made in europe for g60's that adds something like 25-30hp just with a chip.....i dont think its true but if anyone knows any info that would be cool......thanks
  3. i have a corrado g60 and i was thinking of doing a g60 16v conversion.....i kno the g60 pistons wont clear the valves from a 16 valve head but is there any way that you could just get a thicker head gasket so you dont have to get new pistons for the g60 block?? and if not what would be my best bet for doing some good mods to the stock g60 to make it rip/?? any thoughts would be great
  4. chargedG60

    cam sets

    i have 91 g60 corrado....i was wondering what is the best chip and cam to put into the car so it will rip but still be drivable. and also is there any other minor mods that i can do to tweek the car anymore by myself...........any suggestions would be awsome
  5. does anyone kno how to test if the CO meter is working properly?? sometimes the car makes a small backfire underboost and idles goofy when its warm....the O2 sensor is brand new and the isv valve is working fine and imm getting full boost....any help would be great
  6. yea i thought that was it.....the wires are just sittin there with no sensor....thanks
  7. my outside temp. doesnt work for some reason....all it says is -40degrees....does anyone kno where the sensor is located/?? everything else on the MFA works but that
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