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Posts posted by jenks

  1. Is there a big difference between them apart from size?

    Along with the coilovers my mates also selling a powerflow custom exhaust off his H reg corrado 16V.

    Now i know there is a difference in size but was gona take it back to them to fit it to my Vr6?

    But is there a difference in shape before i go wasting a trip?!


  2. I reckon you need heat, I no its sounds shit but i dont have money or space for gas bottles! So i use a heat gun,you can be there for ages but it works! :oops: :lol: Also give them a good old bang with a hammer,sometimes gives the bolts a shock and frees them off.

  3. Alrite m8, :lol: im wanting to do the same, ive been thinking about it and youve got 2 options, either buy a soldering iron and practise on an old bumper then once your confident enough go for it on your own bumper, like above using thin coats of filler but option 2 is just to go to the bodyshop, thats what im gona do,

    it sounds easy but itl be a nitemare to get everything flat and even and then theres spraying,plastic can be a pain to spray.

    Also the filler can crack meaning you have to start all over again so be more cost effective to go to bodyshop. Up 2 U tho! :wink:

  4. I have a mate who has just moved to holland, and also spends every other weekend in Germany. He also just bought a left hooker 95 dragon green vr in munic yesturday! I've put him on the case for these.


    Also, said he will seak out the best aftermarket places over there and send me back some brochures etc. Hes a vw nut so this will be a star contact point! Especially as he drives back once every 2 months to see his folks near me.


    I've just put him on to this site as he didnt knwo about it.


    Any news m8?

    There gota be someone out there selling them? :?

    Think theres def enough numbers for a group buy too! 8)

  5. Saved up shit loads of money for 18s and coilovers but starting college next week so gona be wise and keep money for repairs,etc


    So getting some nice black 15inch alloys and was gona get coilovers but for now was thinking of a 40mm drop.


    Will springs of a mk3 Vr6 or even a mk2 do the job just incase i see some 2nd hand ebay bargains? Got a gut feeling mk2 wont cos of engine weight? :?



  6. Tell you what that 80s wide look is supposed to be cuming back in fashion,

    I dont actually mind it from the back and sides, looks mad and gota give it to him.......its different!

    But end of the day its all about tastes!

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