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Everything posted by RADOROD

  1. Must be a VR6. Ice violet Nugget yellow or mystic blue. Oh and must have leather interior. To make matters worse I'd prefer an auto... Hey Ringo was in the beatles :bonk:
  2. Hi there, Just to say hello. I'm an ex Beetle man, into Raleigh Choppers and been looking for a 'rado for a while. Not yet an owner but gathering knowledge to get the car I'm looking for. Thanks!
  3. Hi there Antony. I'm in Derby and have just joined. I love the 'rado and looking forward to owning my first.:smug:
  4. I'm not an owner yet, but looking for the right Rado for me. Preferences VR6, Leather interior, well looked after. Fave colours Nugget yellow, Ice Blue violet, mystic blue. Automatic preferable.

    My car is out there and hopefully you guys can assist. Cheers.

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