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Dave D

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About Dave D

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  • Birthday 03/03/1961


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  1. I have a 1990 Corrado and I dont know if my key has a chip in it or not. I called the dealership and they didnt know by the vin #. If it does, what does the chip control?
  2. Yes, I need both. Thanks
  3. Skursh do you have pictures and how much for both?
  4. Hey Rey, The cover sounds right! Interested in the module and the steering column. Just let me know Thanks Dave
  5. I am looking for many parts, here is some of the things I am looking for; 191 959 875 window control module shifter kob Door handle key cylinder Steering wheel Steering colum cover Sun roof Clear Fog light lens I am sure there are more things I will continue the list after I get some of these. Thanks for your help.
  6. Dave D

    Late style fogs

    I am looking for the pass side
  7. Dave D

    Rough idle

    I just bought a 1990 Corrado and they took the supercharger off because it blew up and the idle is al over the place at least when its cold. I dont know if the supercharger has anything to do with the idle but that is somthing that needs to be known. Does anybody have any ideas?
  8. I just bought a 1990 Corrado 1.8 for my daughter. I am trying to get a lot of things on this car fixed before I give it to her. Heres one of many questions I have. I have power to the switch but I dont know how to by pass the switch to see if the problem is the swich. Can someone help.
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