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Everything posted by Krusty

  1. Hi guys, My car won't start :( Bit of an odd one. The alarm goes off when I try to start the engine... I never arm the alarm either, because it's prone to going off randomly, so it is not armed when this happens. Anyway I get in the car using the key, central locking unlocks everything fine. Turn on ignition, still fine. Try to start engine and the alarm goes off, dash flashes on and off and central locking locks the doors. Can hear a weird click click click of a electric motor or something going off behind me for a few seconds, after the doors have locked n that. This stops after a while. Think the fob for my immoboliser is still fine since waving it in front of the light turns it off as normal. Anyone got any ideas? Pretty sure it's not a flat battery or something, although I guess the alarm has it's own power source... Can't remember which way around it is but the alarm and immoboliser are Foxguard and Sigma - can probably get the exact numbers and which is which if that'll help. Help! Cheers, Krusty
  2. Oh bummer Henny. Good luck with getting J-DUB back on the road....
  3. Just nipped out from work for a fag break and saw this VR6 clamped! Anyone's here? It's in Bristol, by the Thekla... Poor thing :-(
  4. Krusty

    Will these fit?

    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... otohosting Just wondering whether they'll fit on my G60 without any hassles... I currently have Borbet C's 17x7.5 ET30 and these are 17x7.5 ET38 which I think means they'll be 8mm more into the arches, correct? Anyone since these on a C? Pics? Cheers, Krusty
  5. Cheers Henny! How do I tell if one of the sensors if buggered then, or is this a job for a VW specialist? Are there any other symptoms of either failure? How much do the sensors set you back? Cheers again, Krusty
  6. Hi folks, My beloved G60's exhaust has started to snap, crackle and pop when coming off the power in second. I assume this is because some unused fuel is igniting on the hot tail pipe... It didn't use to do this, or at least not all the time :) So what could be up? Does it sounds like the AMD chip needs remapping or a tune is required (although isn't this effectively what a remap is?) or could something else be up? Or am I worrying needlessly? Cheers, Krusty
  7. Wow - quick replies as always. Just got the discs and pads (from GSF), didn't think about bearings... How much are bearings gonna set me back from the VW dealership? Cheers guys
  8. Hi folks, I'm planning to change my rear discs and pads at the weekend, with the help of a mate, and just wanted to know if we need any special tools or anything? He says he needed some special tools when doing his BMW so wants to know if there are any catches with the Corrado... I reckon it should be a doddle but just in case has anyone got any pics or diagrams we can use if we get in trouble? Any other tips? Cheers, Krusty
  9. I noticed a scratch on my rear bumper corner and on my front bumper corner the other day. People are tw@ts basically. And some scrote nicked my VW badge, and a Borbet badge went a few weeks before... I'm out of ideas. My old CRX got wrote off by a bus when parked ffs! If anything too serious happens to my Rado I'm gonna have to give up having a car basically, it's just too painful :cry: Garage = good plan, although in Bath a house with one is gonna be 250k at least nowadays! Grrrrrr
  10. Grrrr, there online store doesn't have their range of alloys on it! Might be tempted... Got 17's on there at the moment, but a lot of people seem to prefer 16's or even 15's. Any thoughts? Is the offset consistent whatever you get? Currently 30. Cheers, Krusty
  11. Krusty

    Borbet C's

    Hmmm, the dent isn't too bad, it's just annoying me so I want to get it sorted one way or the other. Can you recommend anyone for a good refurb job then? Cheers, Krusty
  12. Krusty

    Borbet C's

    Hmmmm, bummer. Don't think it's buckled so maybe a refurb then. Know of anywhere I can drive to, get it done, and drive off? Most places on the web seem to be a "send off" and wait type affair... It was Scotford who told me the wheels are discontinued, although they have told me to get the exact model number off them so they can see if there's a spare one in Germany anywhere. Shame since I just got some new badges off them aswell... Cheers again, Krusty
  13. Krusty

    Borbet C's

    Cheers but had a quick look earlier when I was told they were discontinued - they're not on there :cry: Crazy I reckon cause they're gorgeous wheels...
  14. Krusty

    Borbet C's

    They've stopped making them :( I got a small dent in one of my Borbet C's (8.5 x 17) (odd place to put a cobble :?) and was thinking of replacing it since they are only £129.50 on borbet.co.uk, but it seems Borbet have stopped making them. Anyone got one lying about? Long shot I know... Could get it refurbed I suppose, but that's about 50 quid innit? Any recommended alloys specialists in the Bristol/Bath area, or is a definite "send off" solution? Cheers, Krusty
  15. Cheers Henny - I've just sent a mail off to them. Hope they have some left. S'pose it'll be a VW badge next eh? 'Stards! Laters :wink:
  16. Hi folks, Some little scrote has nicked one of the badges of my Borbet C's - anyone know if/where I can get a replacement? Cheers, Krusty
  17. I'd be interested for around the 5-5.5 mark - 7 is way to high though I have to say. Where in the country are you?
  18. Cheers for the swift replies guys. I'll give him another bell tomorrow and get the reg and chassis numbers so I can check with VW. Oh, and no-one was in the CRX at the time. I'm still waiting for First buses to cough up the readies though :roll: I'll let you know how I get on... Thanks again, Krusty
  19. Hi folks, I'm thinking of buying a Corrado VR6 after my parked CRX was hit by a bus and written off :cry: Found one (miles away) that sounds interesting as it's only got 55k on the clock! Just spoke to the seller and he says it's in great condition all round etc etc. He mentioned that the log book was stolen years ago (he's known the last 3 owners) and it's recently had a "new computer". That's got to be the MFA thing yeah? If so doesn't it sounds a little dodgy? Clocked maybe? How many miles will these beasts do before things start to go wrong anyway? Is it safe to look for a 100k-er? Cheers for any advice you can offer, Krusty :-P PS: I'm in no rush to buy so can afford to wait (don't need a car especially...)
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