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Damned Rear Suspenson

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Hell's teeth will this ever fit right.

Now I've cut the bump stops down so that I actually have sprung instead of rubber suspension, the back end has dropped more than I want. Even worse, now the exhaust keeps crashing on the rear beam whenever I hit a half decent bump/hole. Grrrrr

Stripped it - again! - and lifted the spring cup circlip up to the top groove on the shock, which has helped a bit but its still catching.

Next plan is to get a selection of decent spacer rings made up till I get the height I want. Oddly, the front is perfect.

Anyone else had as much fun with Koni T/As and Eibachs on a 16V?

On the plus side, with all the practise I've had I could easy get a job in F1.

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its not the koni's mate its the Eibach springs there sh*te,well maybe not but the problem is that they only make one set of spings for the whole corrado range :roll: instead of two sets, I E one for the four pots and one for the vr's this is where the problem is it stands to reason the front isnt going to drop as much on a 4pot as a vr,so you will never get it right unless you do what your planing or do what i did and scap the Eibach's and get some H&R's the ride hight is bang on level

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Cheers guys. The reason I went for the Eibachs is 'cos I only wanted to come down 25/30mm and they seemed to be the only ones with that subtle a drop - everything else seems to be 40mm min. When the suppliers originally (wrongly) sent me a 40 mm set I found I couldn't get the car off the ramp without major interference, and then I couldn't get out the workshop cos the ground rises steeply by the door :shock: so had to put the originals back on. I can understand a front end difference 'tween 4pot and a vr, but I'd have expected the back end to have been ok. So what height H&Rs have you got on 20v turbo?

Ho hum. I'll have another look on the ramp tonight and see if I can get the exhaust to sit a bit higher though don't hold out much hope for that.

So tell me how do you guys with much lower cars get on with exhaust clearances?

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the H&R's i got droped it 35mm but i've got lowering caps on the front whitch give it about another 10mm'ish,the rear's are set on the top groove 8)

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That looks pretty good. I keep hearing about 'lowering caps', but have never seen any and can't imagine how they fit unless they are just a smaller (height wise) version of the standard (spring) top cap? But they're not very tall to start with so have I got the wrong end of the stick?

Had mine on the ramp again last night and managed to find a bit more exhaust clearance by twisting the main box a bit; this tends to push the outlet pipe up/down depending which way you twist. Unfortunately it still clouts the beam, so looks like I'll have to make up some lifting spacers.

The joys of C ownership :D

Meanwhile, the VR waits patiently for a new clutch ........

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Agreed with comments on Eibach so far. Their springs are very poor. Too hard and no effort gone into levelling the ride height. And as mentioned, H&Rs are bang on in both ride height and ride comfort - especially when used with Konis.


Lowering caps are just shallower than the normal ones, so yep, you got the right end of the stick.

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Hurrah, finally got the back end matched with the front. On the top groove, new bump stops with one segment chopped and the dust(?) covers trimmed 20mm. Height and ride now much better, though shall have to live with the exhaust catching the beam through potholes. P'raps I'll try steering round them.

Have to say that I was surprised to find that the bump stops are actualy just in contact with the damper, but they seem to compress quite naturally as the springs are exercised. Can't comment on comparative ride quality as only had oe before this, but maybe I'll try some H&Rs later on - after I've finished spending money fixing the vr.

Cheers all

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On my 16V Corrrado the Jetex wacked axle until I had a local garage warm the pipe with their bottles and flatten it a bit. Job done!

Exhausts definately a problem on dubs with lower springs. I have sometimes cured/ reduced the problem by fitting new exhaust rubbers. The exhaust isn't so low to start with and the new rubbers don't let it move so much( for a while at least).



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Cheers Gavin, flatting the pipe might be worth a try, though its been on there a while so not sure it would be up to being messed with. Its actually got new rubbers, they were a sod to fit.

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