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I really, really need someones help....

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I really, really need someones help....

Have a vr6 storm.. Had it one week and started giving me major problems... For some reason recently the car starts and cuts immediatley, It doesn't seem to be a fuel problem it's as if something electricaly cuts the car out??

I was told that it was possibly the chip in the keys, so i went and had them checked. There was a problem with one key which the chip was replaced and car seemed to be fine!! I swapped key again and now it's doing it all over again and starting and staying running now and then!!! Is this still a key problem?Is the transponder gone near the ignition barrell??? or is this something else.... I really don't know what to do??? Can anyone help

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The fact that it runs briefly and cuts is to show that the engine and management are OK. This means that there is still a problem with your immobilisation.

You say you had another key sorted. Did you have both coded at the same time or just the new one. If you have one replacement then all the keys you want to use, MUST be coded at the same time. Any not coded at this time, will not work.



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One key didn't work, but that has been re chipped and both read the same code now... The key that has been re coded ive been using for the past 2 days but swapped for some stupid reason, which shouldn't have been a problem now... But when this does happen neither keys start the car.. Is this just confusing it? but why does neither of the keys work after this problem happens... What should i do???

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Mine did exactly the same thing. Starts fine then cuts out. I changed the ignition switch and the problem went away. There's a guide in the how to section of this site; I changed the switch without removing the seat - it's fiddly but it can be done. Think the switch was about £30 from the stealer.

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