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Vibra-Technics Engine Mount

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Can I just confirm its should be a Mark 2 engine mount for the front, I wont say who but I went to a supplier and was almost given a MK 3 engine mount and mentioned it was wrong, now I am worrying that I was in the wrong...


This is for a 92 H G60

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Correct, Mk2 mount, as supplied to me by Stealth Racing, same size as the VW oem one, just a wee bit less clearance to my Airco piping that runs immediately in front of the mount :lol: , but it neverthess fitted, sort of; the joys of airco :roll:


Stealth is even willing to give discounts on mentioning CCGB membership :D Good man! 8)



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Just a quickie, is there anything in my way in getting to the front mount on the G60 or is it all straight forward?

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Just a quickie, is there anything in my way in getting to the front mount on the G60 or is it all straight forward?


Havn't done mine yet :oops: but it looks like you may need to remove the oil filter...

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I just saw that coming..... Just checked with Steve at Pitstop and I do, how comes everything I change on my car I need to remove again 1 week later :(

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If you've already done it, it's a 40 minute job.


If not, sticking nuts, where to put the jack and which spanners to use to give sufficient leverage/clearance will conspire against you...

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Definitely take the oil filter off, well if you've got airco anyway, as the piping etc. just sits in the way, and you need the extra space by removing the oil filtyer to twist and turn both the old mount on removal as well as the new mount on fitting it.


Even withoug airco piping, the cooling piping might still get in to way. Taking off the oil filter ain't that big a job :lol:


It took me about 60 minutes taking it easy, that's including jacking up the Rado, jacking up the engine to clear the mount, taking out the fan, oil filter removal and fitting. A wee bit of swearing getting the new mount to fit and the fan out (as everything just is in the way :mad: ), but OK, it worked.



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