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Jonny Chee

My G60 keeps cutting out!

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Not having a good time of late with my Corrado :(


Twice in the last couple of weeks I have noticed my car cut out whilst approaching junctions or traffic lights (I thought it was down to my driving). It started immediately after so I thought nothing of it.


Today, whilst going out to get some lunch the car did it agiain only this time on a main stretch of road as I was doing around 30mph! I immediately put on my hazards and pulled over (with difficulty as the power steering wasn't active). For a few minutes I tried to start it but it wouldn't go.


Just as I was calling my brother to come pick me up it started again! On the way back it went once again as I was going round a mini island. This was dangerous as again I had to wrestle the steering! I pulled over and it started up again first time!


What the hell is going wrong??? :cry:


I am supposed to be driving 30 miles to a works meeting tomorrow morning.



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Did it cut out when you dipped the clutch or whilst moving in gear?


If moving in gear then maybe the tickover is set too low and teh ISV cannot catch it before it cuts out.


If it is dieing on the move, I would be looking at the ECU relay and the hall sender in the dissy in that order. ( purely for cheapness) The relay often fails thru old age. I have seen more than a few with bad joints inside. You can buy a new one or take the lid off the one fitted and re-do the soldered joints with a soldering iron. The relay is common with other digifant engined VWs which may help you getting one from a scrappy but they are not expensive to buy new.

The Hall senders often breakdown intermittently before quitting forever. Often they come back to life when the engine has cooled down.



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I didn't notice if I had the clutch dipped. Shows how much attention I pay to my driving! Ha! I will take it out for another spin and find out.


The only other problem is I know absolutely bugger all about cars :(


I am booked in at JMR on Sunday 31st October but I dunno if my car will even make it down there!

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The relay is easy to change. If I have read ETKA correctly it is the one in position 3 on the main fuseboard. Part number 165 906 381. The fuel pump relay which might also be a culprit is in position 12 part number 191 906 383C



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