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Winter storage tips

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Well that time has come again for the corrado to get hidden for winter hibernation :cry:

Has anybody got any tips towards storing your car for winter :thumb right:

I have stored before but some people have other/better ideas .


P.s i at last bought a MK1 golf GTi 8)

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Put 8 oil filled radiators in the garage and turn the engine over once a week :wink:


Failing that, cut a large hole in the house and park it in the living room :lol:

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First of all cant get the car into the house for the bike sitting there :lol:

And 2nd the garage doesnt have power.......... :cry:

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get a couple of the crystal de-humidifier traps you can get from B&Q and the like, and stick one on the dash and one on the parcel shelf... That'll stop any mildew forming as long as you remember to check and empty 'em regularly... 8)


I've always put my car up onto blocks/axlestands with large pieces of wood on 'em when I've stored my car to prevent flat-spotting the tyres... but I have tended to store my cars for a bit longer than a winter... ;)

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As Henny said as we all know what winter is like up here. Taking the wheels of is a good idea unless you can get sacraficial tyres. Its a good theft deterrent as well as having no wheels.

Remeber to leave the hanbrake off as well and try to drain most of the petrol out (apparently it goes off after only 4 weeks or so).

Maybe worth taking the battery out and keeping it inside as well. Much the same as the bike.

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make sure it has fresh anti freeze g12+ or whatever its called as that also contains corrosion inhibitors,

it might be worth changing the oil as well

spray all rubber bits with something like armourall protector spray as this helps prevent cracking

give the interior a damn good clean so when you do start driving her again it will add to that yay im back in the corrado feeling :lol:

if you do take the wheels off also leave the hand brake off to prevent the calipers seizing

if you have leather treat it with leather protector as that should help prevent mildew

give the body a very good coat of wax polish


a friend who used to be a chaufeur mentioned a wax that you leave on while its being stored similar to the wax on new cars but i cant remember what its called

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Thanks guys

I knew of most of the tips so far but this may come in handy for other peeps thinking of storing too.

Some peope dont bother jacking the car up to save the tyres from flat spots they just add about 5-8 PSI to compensate for it sitting on the same spot.

Other tips have been to always pull out your seat belts to stop any mildew getting to the inner parts of them.

leave the back seat down so there is air getting to the boot compartment and if possible leave a window/sunroof cracked open for air.

The car is left for 2 weeks when i work offshore and the handbrake is never left on.


Cheers for the tip coolrado about cleaning the interior but my car is never dirty inside(or out) so i get thet feeling everytime i get in the car :oops: :D

If i had power in the garage i would get an optimate for the bike and cars batteries but i may have to take them out and leave then in the house/shed on trickle charge or if the MK1 is the same battery i will stick it in that :idea:

Everthing will get sprayed with:- ScotoilerFS365 protectant.


Any more tips appreciated. 8)

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