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drivers side window

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my drivers side window stopped working,pulled out the interior and found the cable really loose.i hit the switch and i can hear the control unit clicking in the rear,and feel a really small click in the motor.

does any one have any drawings or pictures of the inside of the door?im having a real tough time getting in there and trying to decipher whats going on.any suggestions are appreciated

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If the cables loose, the likelyhood is it's snapped. Quite a common problem. Caused by the cable becoming snagged inside the motor because it isn't well enough lubed. It's happened to both my windows over the years. :(


As far as I know, the only solution is to buy a complete motor\frame mechanism assembly. These retail at over 200 quid new.

Best quote I got was 150 from GPC. :shock:


I managed to get full mechanisms for both sides from a breakers for 80 pounds in the end. 8)


You'll have to drill out the rivets holding everything in place when removing the old mechanism. Best to jam the window in the UP position whilst doing this. It's extremely awkward to remove the old motor, expect lot's of swaring and shredded hands. :twisted:


When fitting the replacement, make sure the cable is saturated with white grease and open up the motor and grease it up too. This is the sort of job you'll NEVER want to do again. :cry:


Sorry for sounding so negative, but it's best you know what's in store.


Good Luck

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Best quote I got was 150 from GPC.


150 you say? I'll have to try them!!!


pulled out the interior and found the cable really loose.i hit the switch and i can hear the control unit clicking in the rear,and feel a really small click in the motor.


Yeah, mine is doing that too. Try pulling the wire, it will come out. should get mine done in a week or two.

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had some time at work yesterday ,fiddled with that for about an hour.it worked for about 1minute(almost)the bottom cable is definatey shot and its all jammed up again.going with the new mechanisim.im head to the dealer now to see how bad they will rip me off for the part.

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just to keep you guys updated.the dealer said around 500 usdollars.i think i could get a complete door from a breaker or ebay cheaper than that!

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