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Broken Spoiler fixes

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Hope this post helps someone out in the future as my spoiler problem has been giving me a headache for 3 years.


My spoiler stopped going up and down automatically when it reached the correct speeds (eg. 45mph ish and when the car stopped). The spoiler did however work by the manual switch situated on the dash. The spoiler was broken for 3 years as I couldn't suss out what the problem was.


To fix the problem I replaced the clocks for another set I bought second hand. I believe that there is a speed sensor on the clocks which senses when to activate and de-activate the spoiler. This was obviously my particular problem. It also got my cruise control to work again.


Therefore, there appears to be a number of things that can be the problem with the spoiler not functioning from what I have read on this forum. Hopefully this post will help people out in the future as a one stop place to suss out their problem. Feel free to rectify my mistakes or to add more possibilities.


1) The speed sensor on the actual clocks has gone. Replace it or the whole clocks.

2) Spoiler control unit has gone. This is situated near the fuse box and is black and the size of a cigarette box.

3) Blue wire on the back of the stereo which regulates the volume automatically when speed increases.

4) Faulty spoiler motor or spoiler mechanism.

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do you have the mechanical clocks in your car? (ie. is there one or 2 LCD displays on your dash)

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It was on mine when I bought it. Whether it is a VW one or not I don't know. However, I imagine that it isn't as it doesn't really "look" VW, although I'm only guessing.


I got AC aswell (just showing off).

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There are 2 LCD panels on my clocks. Does this mean that I have the electronic version (I imagine it does).


Yup, they're the electronic ones then... in which case, the speed sender is on the gearbox NOT on the back of the clocks, so I have no idea how swapping the clocks has solved either the spoiler or cruise problems... :|

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Im certain that there is something on the back of the clocks (the mph dial) to detect speed. Im sure I have seen a diagram of it. If someone can tell me how to take the dial apart I will have a look on my old set. Hopefully then we can get to the bottom of exactly what my problem was and we might be able to help alot of other spoiler sufferers.

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