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Old thread here BUT, i'm having just this problem right now and VAG COM is not throwing anything up at all. MPG used to be 31-34 on a good run at 70-85 mph. But this last weekend we did a 400 mile round trip 90% motorway driving and no traffic and the best i got was 27.5 and it just refused to go any higher despite dropping to 60 in places.

Any suggestions?

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Yeah the down pipe flexi-hose is a common one... you know when it's gone when you get exhaust/petrol smells first thing in the morning which goes when hot as the joint expands.


£120 from VW is as bad as I thought (mine's gone by the way), but it's still not cheap :(


aah..that might explain why I'm get a very strong fuel smell when starting up in the morning!!

My fuel consumption isnt bad tho 30-32 on a long run and about 28 round town.


Would the split pipe affect the starting when the engine is hot too?

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cant this be repaired rather than replaced with cloth tape or exhaust repair stuff?



Yeah the down pipe flexi-hose is a common one... you know when it's gone when you get exhaust/petrol smells first thing in the morning which goes when hot as the joint expands.


£120 from VW is as bad as I thought (mine's gone by the way), but it's still not cheap :(


aah..that might explain why I'm get a very strong fuel smell when starting up in the morning!!

My fuel consumption isnt bad tho 30-32 on a long run and about 28 round town.


Would the split pipe affect the starting when the engine is hot too?

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After cleaning my lamba probe with brake cleaner...


i've been getting an average of 32-37mpg on the old motorways, 5th gear 2-3000 revs...


worth a try cleaning before getting an new lamba...

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good call antonio_b12, will try that and see what happens. VAG COM doesnt tell me anything at the moment.

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