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my tracking and camber are wellout on my vr6, but i had to hve new tyres fitted before i get this sorted (next week). however i have noticed a bit of a wobble coming through the seering wheel at speed. as the wheels have been balanced i don't think it could be that so could all the geometry being all over the place cause the wobble?? it doesn' happen at low speeds, upto 40 approx. plus does a 2.8 golf sump fit and work on a 2.9?? :(

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Geometry being out can do all kinds of things.. a bit of wheel wobble is certainly nothing unusual if your track & camber are way out.

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The sumps should be identical between the AAA and ABV engines, yes. Certainly the sump gaskets are...

Get the tyre place to rebalance your wheels. If there's still a problem, have a look for any run-out on the wheels themselves. If you've got a small buckle it can be masked by certain types of tyres, but it'll never really go away completely.

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