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Oil temp suddenly 20C higher than norm. Coolant is +10C.

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Hi all,


Apologies if this has been asked a million times. I've done a search and read a bit but can't see a problem the same as mine.


Basically, I have had jerking acceleration problems for long enough which I finally sorted by changing the camshaft position sensor and the blue temp sensor which I think is the one that deals with the fueling for the engine management.


I'm not sure if the problem is related to the above, but a few weeks later my oil temp is now creeping up to almost 130C and the coolant is sitting a good 10C higher than normal. I am not hammering it either, this is standard motorway speeds.


I changed the oil (was slightly overdue) and got the level right and this has still not solved it.


Any ideas what could be causing this?


I'm thinking thermostat, auxilary water pump or fan thermo switch.


Am I right in thinking that any of these items failing could cause the oil temps to rise substantially since the coolant will be unable to take heat from the oil via the oil cooler?


Could these temp rises by due to me changing the blue temp sensor and getting a leaner (and therefore hotter, I believe) burn? 20-30C oil temp increase seems way too much for this.


I'm thinking there must be a failure somewhere since the temp rise is quite substantial. It used to always stay around 100-104 for the oil and 90 for the coolant, whereas it's easily reeaching 124 or higher for the oil, and staying between 95 and 100 for the coolant, even at motorway speeds.


I have seen the fan come on but I'm not sure whether both speeds are working.


Any easy tests to try before dismantling the thermostat housing etc?





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at motorway speeds the airflow through the rad would be more than the fan could produce anyway so it sounds like the fan is not the problem :(

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have you checked the outlet from the rad? is it hot? the thermostat may be partially stuck closed when it should be fully open.



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You might have introduced and airlock when you changed the blue sender.


Try a reflush with fresh G12+ coolant and replace the thermostat and thermostat housing too. They're not expensive.


Clean up all the oil related sender connections too as a 30 degree rise all of a sudden isn't right.



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